Chapter 44. Intimacy

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[Warning: This chapter contains mature scenes that may not be suitable for younger readers.]

And so, Haniel and I returned to the tower shortly.

My brother seemed surprised that I came back earlier than intended, but Servan didn't ask me anything. He was just overjoyed to see me so soon.

That aside, Haniel told me that he will persuade his father to send us to the south with an official reason. How he will coax Sir Ion, I'm not sure.

"Leave it to me," The purple-eyed mage gave me a reassuring smile. "I'll convince him somehow. As for you and Servan, start packing your stuff."

I nodded to him obediently.

"Well, then." He patted my head. "See you later."

I watched him as he made his way to the senior mage's office. On the other hand, I could feel someone's piercing gaze from the sideline.

It was Servan, who was hiding in the corner.

"Kyah!" His eyes twinkled. "You lovebirds!"

I gave him a bored look. There he goes again, jumping into his own conclusions. He's like a paparazzi. Does he have nothing better to do?

"Sister, don't look so guarded!" My brother nudged my shoulder. "Brother is just happy that you found yourself a handsome, rich, and strong lover. Ehe!"

While I do have a handsome, rich, and strong lover, I'm afraid it's not Haniel. Worse, he's a married man, and a grand duke at that.

I breathed an exhausted sigh. It's so troublesome, but I have to set the record straight, otherwise he'll keep misunderstanding our relationship.

I jotted down on my paper then showed him.

Haniel and I aren't lovers. We're just friends.

"Eh? No way!" Servan waved his hand in disbelief. He was grinning from ear to ear. "He doesn't look at you as a mere friend. I'm telling you, his eyes stare at you like you're the love of his life, sis!"

I rolled my eyes upwards. He's so stubborn!

As usual, my brother didn't listen to me and he got caught up in his own delusions. Well, it's true that Haniel likes me, but the feeling is... not mutual?

Anyway, I decided to change the subject at hand and informed Servan that we might have to go into Surinam, that's why we need to pack up.

"Surinam? That's quite far from here, isn't it?" His eyes widened in wonder. "Will it just be the two of us? Why haven't I heard anything about this, sis?"

I quickly wrote down my answer.

Haniel will also come with us.

As soon as he read that, Servan's spirit got lifted even more. At this point, he's gonna ascend to heaven in that good mood. So easy to please!

"An outing with my sister and my brother-in-law!" Servan clapped his hands gleefully. "A trip! Yay!"

Jesus, he's acting like we're some kids going on a field trip. Also, what brother-in-law? Don't just make someone your family on your own, dude!

As we went to our makeshift quarters in the tower, my brother was bouncing in bliss.

At this point, it's pretty obvious that Servan cares for his sister more than anyone else in the world.

I'm not sure how old exactly he is, but he looks about in his late thirties. Isn't it strange that he isn't married yet? He must have chosen to stay single just so he can take care of his mute sister.

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