Chapter 67. Seasons

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After our heated exchange, neither of us spoke a word during the entirety of our journey, like two complete strangers compelled to travel together.

Grand Duke Averill must've sensed that I have no ounce of willingness to converse with him, so he kept his mouth shut. For once, he acted correctly.

For days, our carriage did the talk as it rattled on the bumpy ground amidst the silence of its passengers. We had to make a number of stops and let the horses rest. Even so, we never spoke.

More than the journey itself, being confined in that small space with Alistair was so exhausting.

As we ventured across Surinam on the way to the capital, I witnessed how the southern lands were raw and untouched. It's neither dense like Izumo of the east, nor civilized like Muehler of the west.

We only passed by a few notable estates, and the rest of the lands were filled with trees and mountains. A suitable place to raise an army.

I can see why Princess Odette chose Surinam.

"What are you thinking?"

We were already near the capital when the grand duke broke the hostile silence between us that has been going on for days. He should've stayed quiet.

"Don't you think it's too late to be making small talks at this point? We're almost in the capital."

He heaved out a deep sigh. "Whether you like it or not, you will have to stick with me in the palace."

"No thanks," I scoffed. "I'd rather be surrounded by enemies than a backstabber of a companion."

"Isabelle!" Alistair growled, seemingly getting tired of our kerfuffle. "Until when are you-!"

"It's Kallen." I corrected him firmly. "Isabelle is dead. If you want us to work together, start by calling me properly, not by your dead woman's name. You seem to be confusing the two of us."

The grand duke stared at me intensely. It seemed like he was one second away from erupting into rage, but he managed to keep his cool. Barely so.

"Kallen," He inhaled deeply. "I know you resent me, you loathe me, and you hate the sight of me."

My eyebrows lifted. "It's good that you know."

"Still, our cooperation is crucial." He continued, ignoring my innuendo. "Can't we at least try to clear the air between us, for the princess' sake?"

I crossed my arms, unwilling to give in to him.

"Do you intend to barge into the palace without a single plan on mind?" His Grace questioned. "Her Highness sent you with me because I need you."

This time, his golden eyes stared at me earnestly.

"And that goes both ways. Once you step into the palace, you won't be able to do as you please." He pointed out. "To move freely there, you need me."

Of course, I understand that much. After all, I'm entering the palace under the pretext of being his personal maid. So I need to stick to that narrative and play my part as Grand Duke Averill's servant.

I understand, but it still makes my blood boil.

"Fine," I muttered grimly. "What's the plan?"

It was only for a split second, but the side of his lips lifted. He seemed please that I backed down.

"Thank you, Kallen."

My face crumpled. "Shut up."

This time, Alistair couldn't hold back his smile.

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