Chapter 25. Illusory

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I knew I wasn't the type of person who would be allowed into heaven when I die. I just knew of it.

I was scum for the most part of my life. I was selfish and unreasonable, not to mention horny. That pretty much guaranteed me a ticket to hell.

So when I opened my eyes, the peace and quiet had me delusional that the gods must have pitied me and welcomed me into heaven upon my death.

"Finally awake, Isabelle?"

But then I saw my evil master, the villainess of the novel A World Without Light. So I realised this couldn't be heaven. She's even scummier than me.

The gods would throw her up and keep her alive as long as they could, just so they won't have to meet her. Geez, even hell would reject her.

"Are you the devil?" I grinned. "Am I dead?"

"Yes and no." Her brows furrowed. "Isabelle, this is no time to crack a joke. What on earth happened to you? I told you not to get caught."

I tried to get up from my bed, but my head felt like it was being hammered continuously. I could only shut my eyes and groan from the subsequent pain.

"What happened?" I asked absentmindedly.

"That's what I wish to know as well. You were lying unconscious in front of my chambers this morning." Lady Camellia clicked her tongue.

My face wrinkled in confusion.

"I wasn't sure if you managed to wreck the dress, so I just brought you in my room in case anyone suspects you and asks for an alibi. Let's tell them that you were in my room, attending me all night."

From her lengthy explanation, only one word got through my head. That damn dress of the heroine!

I sprung out of bed upon realisation.

"My lady!" I turned to her, horror-striken. "Ingrid has been possessed by the devil! She attacked me!"

She frowned. "What?"

"She caught me destroying her dress. Look at the bruises and the wound on my head. There was something amiss about her! She was unusually strong and there was some kind of black smoke-!"

The villainess raised her palm, as if telling me to stop rambling. She massaged her temples.

"I have no inkling what happened to you, but calm down for now. You seem confused." she remarked.

"I'm not confused." I insisted. "Even if you take a look at Ingrid, you'd see her full of bruises and scratches since I put up a fight with her, my lady!"

"Look, Isabelle." This time, she seemed pissed off by my outburst. "I saw her this morning and she was perfectly fine. No bruises or scratches as you claim. Aside from being a crying mess due to her dress turning into rags, she was as good as new."

My shoulders fell. "How could that be?"

I begrudgingly grabbed the mirror on the bedside. I was completely unharmed as well. No wounds, no scratches, no bruises. Nothing at all, as if last night was illusory and I'm just losing my mind.

"As much as I want to comfort you, the selection officially starts today." Lady Camellia caressed my back. "Cool your head and get some rest, Isabelle."

Shortly, the villainess left me alone in the room.

"A nightmare? To hell with that shit," I kicked the bedframe out of frustration. "I know what I felt!"

Lilith. She even said her name was Lilith, and that was taboo in this world! No one names their child Lilith because it's the name of the devil incarnate!

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