Chapter 66. First Love

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Ellis returned to the main house after that. The knight cried so much that her eyes were visibly swollen, but she exhibited no signs of frailness.

She marched back to her master with a raised chin and stiff shoulders, oozing with charisma.

As I watched her back turned from me, my heart ached for Ellis. It's the back of a knight who swore to dedicate her whole life to the imperial princess.

She was a kind, loyal, and strong character.

But in the end, she was a mere extra like me.

"There you are," A familiar voice spoke behind me while I'm brooding somewhere in the forest. "Ellis told me I'd find you here. Did something happen?"

The leaves crunched beneath his feet as Haniel sat beside me. His jet black hair was fixed into a messy low bun, and he was wearing a white shirt tucked into a pair of black trousers. So handsome.

I noticed the crossbow hanging on his back. How unusual to see him carrying a weapon other than a sword. So he's capable to be a marksman as well.

I eyed him. "Where have you been?"

"I went out with the others to hunt for dinner," He patted his lap, signalling me to lay down. "Gotta put food on the table so my crush won't starve."

His cheesy words made me smile. I did as he told me and rested my head comfortably on his lap.

The trees erecting in the skies were filled with yellow leaves that made me feel warm. I wasn't particularly fond of fall, but the shorter days and the moistened air were starting to grow on me.

Moreover, it's the season when we reunited.

"Callie," He cleared his throat. "How's your body?"

I tilted my head in confusion. "It's okay?"

"I see. That's good." Haniel faked a cough. "My deepest apologies for being too rough on you."

I blinked twice when I realized that Haniel was referring to our intense intercourse last night.

I smirked playfully. "It's fine. I also enjoyed how you pounded on me like your life depends on it."

His cheeks flushed. "S-Sorry."

"You grabbed me by the hair and slapped my butt cheeks. You rammed so hard I thought I will die."

"You can stop. I'm reflecting on my actions." He covered his face in embarrassment. "My bad."

I wanted to tease him more, but he seemed utterly apologetic so I stopped. It's not like I didn't like it.

"I'm kidding." I giggled childishly. "It was great."

I removed his hands from his face, and Haniel was still as red as cherry. While holding his two hands, I stared at his long and bony fingers. I want them.

"What's the matter?" The mage softly inquired.

"Well, the truth is..." I looked away and changed the subject. "I told Ellis everything a while ago."

"Oh," His eyes widened. "What did she say?"

"She only cared about Her Highness."

When I glanced over him, there was a poignant smile on his face. It looked like he was genuinely sympathizing with the knight whose fate was ruin.

"No one loves the princess as much as she does." Haniel commented. "I understand her feelings, because I feel the same towards you, Callie."

For a moment, we indulged in silence. Only the fairly strong wind swaying the leaves could be heard, like music pushing the trees to dance.

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