Chapter 4. Bad Timing Reunion

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"Greetings, Grand Duke Averill." Sir Edward said with sheer politeness. "I'm relieved that you've arrived safely at the palace, Your Grace."

"It's been a while, Edward." Alistair's tone was low and manly, contrary to the shrill voice he had when I met him as a kid. "You shouldn't have went out of your way to greet me like this. I know everyone is busy with the banquet's preparations."

"Nonsense. The Averill duchy is the shield that protects the empire." The head butler replied in dissent, bowing his head and placing a hand on his chest. "Such courtesy is only right and necessary."

Alistair gently patted the butler's shoulder. His silver hair seemed out of place under the brightness of the sun, and I'm sure it looks better in the cold and faded north. However, his golden eyes were as beautiful as I remember them, brimming with confidence and full of conviction.

"As per my usual request, please refrain from sending me maids with blonde hair." Alistair said out of nowhere, which had me nonplussed.

What's with that oddly specific request?

"Understood, Your Grace." And Sir Edward is just accepting it like that?!

"So it's the same this time, too." Leila commented.

"What do you mean?" I curiously pried.

"Rumour has it that Grand Duke Averill dislikes women with blonde hair." Leila explained in hushes. "No one really knows why but it's the usual drill, so... Bye for now, Belle! I'm sure you'll be designated to the outer part of the palace."

He dislikes women with blonde hair? Why? I don't want to sound self-important, but... is it because of me, perhaps? Does blonde hair remind him of me?

Seriously, there's no reason for him to be fixated on a random kid he only met once. While I'm a bit touched that he thinks of me that much, I would've preferred it if he just forgot about me and moved on with his life. I'm not worthy of his sentiment.

"Wait. I shouldn't get ahead of myself." I quickly dismissed my own idea. "Perhaps he simply hates blonde hair in general. It's not related to me."

Shortly, the Grand Duke of Averill made his way inside the Sun Palace to give his greetings to the emperor. He walked with an air of dignity and never threw a single glance on anyone.

Well, I'm glad he didn't. If I met his gaze even once, I would've been shaken by his golden eyes.

Anyway, I was strictly instructed by Sir Edward to stay in the outer part of the palace as soon as he noticed my blonde hair sticking out among my peers. Well, shit. I'm sorry if you find my hair color annoying.

"It's nice to see you again, Alistair." I whispered to the wind while looking at the Sun Palace where he went. "I pray that you find peace and happiness."

I was a bit disappointed to be assigned somewhere far from the main hall, but I guess it's also for the better. I'm not sure if Alistair would recognise me at first glance, but it's a fact that he had seen my face once.

By any chance he discovers that I'm the same kid who's supposed to be dead, he might accuse me of using black magic. No one should ever know.


Due to the preparations for the banquet, I was restless for the next few days. Thanks to that, however, I slowly got used to the life of a maid.

The outermost part of the palace was where the low-ranking nobles were staying, so I spent most of my time catering to their needs. So far, so good. The other maids were also nice to me.

"Have you had dinner, Belle?" Wendy asked when we came across each other at the hallway.

I halted from wiping the windows. "Not yet."

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