Chapter 31. The Summer We Reunited

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The poisoned spring concluded with my death, but it wasn't the end. As expected, I woke up in a different setting, with the same body but an entirely new identity. Who am I this time?

"Allari," A sonorous voice spoke. "You're awake!"

As soon as I opened my eyes, a man's face greeted me in close proximity. He had curly brown hair and wore thick glasses with round lenses. Aside from that, he had notable freckles across his face.

"I was so worried!" His blue eyes twitched as he flailed his arms around. "I thought you had died!"

Well, technically, I already died twice.

I cautiously looked around. We were in a modest house, with lots of herbs and mixing equipments. Based on the empty bottles on the nearby table, I could only think of two things: alchemy or magic.

"Wah! I messed up the teleportation spell, that's why you passed out on the way home!" The man rubbed his hands apologetically. "I'm so sorry!"

I got up from the bed. I was about to answer him, but when I opened my mouth, no voice came out.


My hands landed on my throat. I can't speak?

"Hmm? What's wrong?" The brown-haired guy circled around me. "Does it hurt anywhere?"

I lifted my gaze to him and gestured that I couldn't speak. He blinked twice and looked taken aback.

"Uhm," He seemed concerned. "By any chance, are you trying to say something right now, Allari?"

I nodded frantically in response.

"Well, that's..." For some reason, he was nervous, like he was choosing his words carefully. "Allari, I'm sorry but have you forgotten you're mute?"

Wait a minute. Did I hear that correctly?

I gawked at him in disbelief.

"Yes, you're mute!" He reiterated with a bright smile, as if rubbing salt on fresh wounds. "So there's no point in trying to speak, okay?"

My jaw dropped. Mute? Are you kidding me?!

As if being an extra isn't enough, they even turned me into a character who can't speak? What kind of joke is this?! Dude, I'm so upset! This is too much!

Since I couldn't voice out my frustrations, I kept raising my middle finger on the skies. You damn gods! I hate you! This is just human bullying!

"Haha! Are you mad at the heavens because you're mute?" The man sat on the edge of my bed. "Don't be mad at them. After all, it's the work of a witch."

When I turned to him, there was a sympathetic look on his face. He seemed a bit sad for me.

Heh, this guy looks like a pushover.

"But how can you forget such a crucial detail?" He gave me a puzzled look. "Oh, god! Could it be that you lost some of your memories, Allari? Is that it?"

I nodded consecutive times.

"Do you remember who I am?" he asked.

I shook my head as an answer.

"Oh, no!" He's like a puppy. "What should we do?"

I made a disgusted face when he hugged me.

"Now, now. There's no need to be scared, Allari." He gently caressed my head. "Brother Servan is here for you. Everything will be okay, sister!"

Sister?! Wow, this is unexpected. I was an orphan in my first two lives, but now I have a family?!


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