Old Habits Don't Die

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"Breakfast's ready!" I heard the door barge open followed by a cheerful voice. I felt Olivia shuffling beside me and pulling the covers over the both of us.

"What time is it?" Olivia groaned.

"It's already 8:30!" The voice responded.

"What the fuck?" I groggily said and put a pillow over my head.

"Come on, Taylor made breakfast for us," I had finally registered that the voice was coming from Gracie. She pulled the covers off of us, leaving us exposed to the chilly morning air.

"You bitch!" Olivia raised her voice. I felt her sit up abruptly to get the cover back.

"Good, you're up," I heard Gracie say.

"Sky, get up," Olivia gently patted my back.

"One more hour," I groaned. "I barely got any sleep. Liv and Tay kept me up all night." I said into the sheets.

"If I have to get up, you have to get up too," Olivia tried to pull me up.

"Please just let me sleep for another hour. I'm exhausted." I forced myself to go limp so that it was harder for her to pull me up.

"Fine," Olivia said and pulled the covers over me. "But I'm gonna come get you in an hour." She said and ruffled my hair before getting out of bed and going downstairs with Gracie.

After about a minute, someone else came into the room. I sighed, frustrated that my sleep was interrupted once again.

"Hey Sky," It was a voice I recognized all too well.

"I'm trying to sleep Taylor," I mumbled.

"You gotta eat breakfast," She rubbed my back from over the covers.

"I'll eat lunch," I said.

"But breakfast is important," She kept trying.

"Tay, this isn't me trying to starve myself. I'm genuinely just tired. I'll be up in an hour." I sighed. Why doesn't anyone let me sleep anymore? I just want my damn sleep that I haven't gotten all week.

"Okay, I'll be back in an hour," Taylor said after a few minutes. She squeezed my shoulder and left the room. Finally. Some peace and quiet.

• • • • •

"Hey Sky? It's lunch time." I was awoken by a gentle voice and a slight shake of my body.

"Has it been an hour already?" I rubbed my eyes, still sleepy and tired.

"It's been 4 actually," Taylor giggled.

"Damn, I feel like I only slept for half an hour," I yawned and stretched my arms and legs.

"Why are you so tired?" Taylor suddenly looked worried.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Probably because of school." I got up to brush my teeth.

"Are you getting enough sleep?" She sat on the edge of my bed as she waited for me to finish brushing my teeth. I couldn't talk with my toothbrush in my mouth so I just nodded. I was getting enough sleep. At least 8 hours every night. I was just so tired all the time. "Are you taking care of yourself?" Taylor asked. I nodded again. I was taking too much care of myself. Otherwise, I wouldn't be eating so much.

Realizing that she wasn't going to be able to get in depth answers from me until I finish brushing my teeth, she just sat on my bed and waited patiently. I debated getting changed out of my pjs but decided that I was too lazy for that, and walked out of my bathroom.

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