End of a Decade

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Today was a big day for me. A day I never expected to see so soon. It didn't feel like it in the moment but looking back, time went by so fast.

I looked in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs to where the rest of my family and friends were. The camera guys followed me. They arrived two days ago and set everything up. They've been filming us from 9 in the morning to 10 at night since that day. This was gonna go on for the next several months. I already know I'm gonna get tired of it soon. I always do. But I have to remember that I chose to do this and that this is going to turn out great in the end.

"There she is!" Gigi exclaimed as I appeared in the staircase.

"How are you feeling?" Liv asked me excitedly.

"I'm so nervous," I laughed. "I'm so clumsy. I feel like I'm gonna fall in front of everyone."

"If you do, I'll start making weird noises to divert attention," Gigi said.

"Stand over there, I need to take pictures," Mom said and pointed to a wall decorated for me. There were silver and gold streamers hanging down with a big banner at the top that read 'Congrats Grad!'

"Aw, when did you guys do this?" I asked, heading over to the wall like Mom told me to.

"While you were getting ready," Taylor said, walking up next to Mom with her phone in hand. "We were gonna do it last night but realized that you'd be coming down in the morning before you got ready." She laughed.

"Okay, now look at me," Mom instructed. I did as I was told and posed for the camera. "Taylor, get in there." Mom instructed Taylor next.

"Yes ma'am," Taylor joked and stood next to me. We smiled at the camera first and took normal pictures before making Mom take multiple silly ones.

Mom kept telling everyone to take a picture with me. It was like a mini meet and greet. Eventually, we got through everyone. We did every combination you could think of. I thought I was done until Mom said she wanted a family picture. I told myself that this was the very last one and gave the most genuine smile I could.

"Damn," I walked over to the couch after we were done. "I don't know how you guys do meet and greets for such a long time. That was exhausting." I dramatically said.

"That was only 30 minutes," Austin said, looking down at his watch.

"Well it felt like 30 hours," I rolled my eyes.

"What time do we need to be at the venue?" Dad asked.

"1 pm. It starts at 3." Mom informed him. It was currently 12:30, which meant that we would need to go now if we were gonna get in as soon as the doors opened. We quickly scrambled to the car and buckled up. The car was crowded, as there were ten of us crammed into this van. The documentary people were in the car behind us.

"When you get your diploma, can you look at us and flip off the camera?" Austin smirked.

"Austin!" Mom turned to look at him.

"What?" He innocently asked.

"Don't put any stupid ideas into her head," She scolded him.

"You should totally do it," Miles whispered into my ear. I playfully smacked him in the arm and shook my head.

"You guys are so cute," Taylor gushed. We quickly turned our heads toward her to find her camera facing us.

"Taylor," I groaned.

"Gotcha," She smirked and turned back around in her seat.

"Send that to me!" Selena said from behind me.

Miss Not Perfectly FineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora