The Aftermath

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Skylar's POV
I woke up to my head pounding. It's the worst headache I've ever had. I opened my eyes but immediately closed it shut. The light made my head hurt even more. Just then, I hear a knock on the door. I groaned. Even the knocking was awful for my sensitive head right now.

"Good morning," Taylor walked in with a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of pills in the other. "Take this, it'll help," She said and put it on the table next to my bed. She placed her hand behind my back and pulled my hand so that I can sit up.

"My head hurts," I mumble while holding my head in my hands.

"I know," She said. "Hangovers are the worst." She rubbed my back and handed me the pill. She then handed me the glass of water. I forced myself to take it. I'm guessing it's ibuprofen to help with the headache.

"I'm sorry about last night," I started. "I don't know what I was thinking." I sighed.

"What exactly happened?" She asked me softly.

"At first I didn't do any of it. But they insisted that I try. And I didn't want them to think I wasn't cool enough and stop inviting me so I drank a sip of the beer. It tasted so gross so I put it down. Colin and Preston started smoking weed right around that time. They put it in my mouth and told me to take a breath in so I did. It felt weird honestly. We all kinda just sat around and talked after that. Maggie and I finished our homework during that time. And then after I was done, I thought, why not give alcohol another chance? I don't know why I thought that but I did so I drank more. I chugged it, actually. And it did start to feel nice. I decided to get a second bottle after that, and then a third. The third one I chugged. I drank the whole bottle in one sip. And then I smoked more. And then I started my fourth bottle when everyone stopped me. That's when Maggie noticed the time and told me to get in the car." I explained. I'm surprised I remember it this clearly. I was very wasted last night. "I'm really sorry." I apologized again. I looked down at my hands in shame. I felt Taylor pull me towards her and wrap her arms around me in a hug.

"I know you are," Taylor said and squeezed my arm. "Just try not to do any of that again, okay? Or at least let me know beforehand so I know what's going on. And if you feel like you don't want to do it, you need to say no. They're not going to think you're not cool enough for them. Real friends will respect your boundaries and won't push it. If they stop hanging out with you just because you don't want to engage in those activities, then that's on them. They're not exactly what I would call 'real friends'." I nodded into her chest. "I'm gonna make you some breakfast now, okay? You need to eat a lot of nutritious foods to help with that hangover." She said while gently laying me down again. "I'll come get you when it's ready." She kissed my forehead and headed out the door.

The mention of food just reminded me about the fact that alcohol has calories. I quickly went to Google and looked up the calories in the beer that I drank. 168 calories. That times four is 672. Shit. That's way over my limit. I bring my hand to my stomach. As expected, I'm very bloated. Might as well eat all the food I need today at this point. I'm already well over my limit. I'll go back to restricting tomorrow. I will burn off all the calories from today when my head hurts less.

"Breakfast's ready," Taylor popped her head in a few minutes later.

"Okay," I slowly stand up and make my way towards the door, where Taylor was still waiting for me.

When I got to where she is, she wrapped her arm around me to make sure I don't fall over while walking. Slowly, we go down the stairs towards the kitchen.

When we get there, I sit on the counter stool. Taylor sets a plate in front of me. It's avocado toast, one of my favorite foods. I pick it up and start eating.

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