You're On Your Very First Date

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"Can you do my hair?" I walked into Taylor's room. She looked up from her phone. It looked like she was texting someone.

"How do you want it done?" She asked.

"I don't know. What should I do?" I sighed and went to her bathroom.

"I think regular curls would be cute," Taylor suggested as she got out her curling iron. I was wearing a blue, Solana satin mini dress from Minkpink.

"You look so nervous." Olivia laughed as she walked in.

"I know," Taylor agreed with her.

"I'm sure everything will go great," Liv reassured me.

"Yeah, you've known him for like, what, 12 years now?" Taylor looked at me through the mirror.

"But I don't know what I'm supposed to do," I groaned.

"What do you mean you don't know what you're supposed to do? You just talk." Taylor laughed again.

"But what if there's nothing to talk about?" I asked, fearing that there will be an awkward silence.

"In your 12 years of friendship, have you ever not had anything to talk about?" Taylor gave me her be-for-real look.

"But we were just hanging out as friends back then," I argued.

"I think you're overthinking this," Olivia said.

"Just don't even think of it as a date. Pretend you're just hanging out." Taylor said.

"Where are you guys going?" Olivia asked.

"I think we're gonna eat lunch in Lenox Hill and go to the Central Park Zoo and then just walk around Central Park," I said. I honestly don't know exactly what we're doing. Miles and I decided to have a spontaneous day.

"That's so cute," Liv gushed.

"I just hope there aren't too many paps," I said. "Or too many people taking pictures of us." If I'm out with my friends from school, the amount of paparazzi and people taking pictures of me is manageable. I have learned to block them out. However, I'm going out with Miles today. That means more people wanting pictures. It doesn't help that news about our relationship was the popular topic on the internet last week.

"Do you wanna take a security guard with you?" Taylor offered.

"No, I feel like that's gonna be so weird and awkward," I said.

"I'd rather you be safe though," Taylor started to worry. She can be super protective at times. Once she starts worrying, it takes a bit to convince her that everything is fine.

"They won't attack me or anything," I tried. "They'll just be following me around and taking pictures of me." Taylor looked at me like I was crazy. I realized what I had just said. "It sounded a lot less creepy in my head." I added while laughing. Taylor finished doing my hair for me and unplugged the curling iron.

"You look cute!" Liv said while walking and snapping a picture of me.

"Do you want to bring an umbrella so you can shield yourself from paparazzi?" Taylor asked as we started making our way downstairs.

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