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"Oh my gosh! You're Taylor Swift's sister!"

"Can you tell Taylor I said hi?"

"Aren't you related to Taylor Swift?"

That's what I've always been known as. Taylor Swift's younger sister. Even at my school. Not by my name, not by my personality, not by my accomplishments. Taylor Swift.

Hi, I'm Skylar Swift. 16 years old, a junior in high school. There's nothing special about me, I'm just related to Taylor. Which is pretty cool I guess. I love her. She's always there for me and she gives me great advice. But sometimes, I want to be known for who I am and not who my sister is. It gets so annoying when people fake being friends with you or fake being nice to you just to get closer to your sister. I've gotten so good at finding fake people. And Taylor hears all about them, with names and pictures and everything.

I've never been the one to stand in front of people and do something. In fact, I get so nervous and I panic. I freeze and forget how to talk and I stutter. I'm the complete opposite of my sister. One time, Taylor brought me out on stage but it was a huge mess. I was shaking so badly and I couldn't talk when she handed me the microphone. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life.

There are a lot of perks to being the sister of someone as famous as Taylor. I get to meet a lot of celebrities that I absolutely love and adore, I get to go on her private jet and in her mansions, I get to go on tour with her which means vacation, I get to hear her songs in advance, I get to go shopping with Taylor, and a lot more.

People ask me if I'll ever act or sing. The thing is, I've gotten so many offers from casting directors and record labels. And I've thought about accepting them. I've actually done some stuff when I was younger. But I've seen what the entertainment industry has done to both Taylor and my friends in the industry so I've been scared of being in it. Maybe I'll accept it soon though. Who knows. For now, I'm fine with being a normal teenager. I like having a semi private life.

Welcome to my boring but sometimes interesting life.

Hi everyone! Thank you for deciding to read this book :) I'll try to update it as much as possible but I'm busy with school so we'll see. I just wanted to let you all know that there will be mentions of eating disorders, self harm, and suicide throughout the story before you get any further. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!!

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