The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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This morning, Taylor and I decided to go for a walk since it's a nice day out and we have a few hours before we have to get ready for Fallon. It's 10:30 now and we have until 12:00 to explore. Then, we have to come back and get ready and then head to Fallon. We decided to have Kevin drop us off at the Grand Army Plaza and have him pick us up at Times Square when we're done. It's gonna be a long walk but it's so worth it. I love walking around here. We both dressed casual as it was just a stroll through New York City. I had my sunglasses and my phone and I was ready to go. Taylor finished putting her makeup on, grabbed her purse, and came downstairs.

"Ready?" She asked me.

"Yep. I am so excited to explore New York City for the millionth time. It never gets old." I said as I walked out the door to our car. Luckily, not many people were outside yet so we had no issues getting in the car. When we come back though, there's gonna be a huge crowd. I'm dreading it.

Kevin got us to the Grand Army Plaza safely and we thanked him as we got out. There were people starting to look at us and take pictures of us but we ignored them and started walking. I reached for Taylor's hand and held on to her tightly as if someone was gonna pick me up and kidnap me.

By the time we made it to Bergdorf Goodman, it had already been 10 minutes. What was supposed to be a 2 minute walk turned into something 5 times more. It's only 19 minutes from the Grand Army Plaza to Times Square but it's probably gonna take over 2 hours at this rate since more and more people are finding out that we're here through social media. I don't mind being outside for a longer time or taking pictures for other people. But what I do mind are the insane amount of paparazzis and disrespectful people that show up just to say nasty things. And there seems to be quite a few of those people today. Also, the fact that the more I stop, the more pain my feet are going to be in.

I awkwardly stood there as people screamed for Taylor. Some would shove their cameras into my hand and stand next to her. I made sure to get a non blurry picture despite all the pushing that was going on around me. Some would just go up to her and take selfies.

Taylor smiled and never looked like she wanted to be left alone. Not even for a split second. I, on the other hand, was starting to get a little impatient. We've been stuck at the same place for the past 30 minutes. I would like to go to Times Square now and we're slowly running out of time to explore the different stores there. I inched closer to Taylor to try and get next to her so I could let her know that I wanted to get out of there. As I got closer to her though, I was shoved by a couple of people. This happened a few times already today but this time, I was shoved so hard that I landed on the ground. Taylor's sisterly instincts kicked in and she immediately came over to me to help me. When people still pushed to get closer to her, she told them to step away. We really should've brought one of her body guards with us. We underestimated how many people would be there.

"You okay Sky?" She asked me, worry present in her voice.

"Yeah, my ass will probably be bruised now though," I said and laughed.

"I am so sorry I put you in this situation. Let's get out of here." She said as she helped me up.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. But yeah I would like to go to Times Square now." I took her hand and stood up. We quickly started walking before anyone else stopped Taylor.

People kept following us and shouting at us but we ignored them this time. Taylor's gonna get so much shit for this later all because she is protecting me. I hate the media.

When we got to Times Square, we realized that we only have 15 minutes left before we have to head home.

"Ugh we really need to go with disguises on," I said.

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