This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

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It was a hot and sunny day in Seattle, Washington, a rare occurrence in the state known for all the rain it gets. I was glad that the weather was good though, because I wasn't really in the mood for a rain show. Sure, they can be fun and Taylor loves them but I prefer to stay dry.

I have been waiting for my friends for the last five minutes and I was starting to worry that they won't be showing up. They're my friends and have been since middle school, but it never seemed like they fully liked me. I was afraid that they made plans with me just to "forget" about it or completely ditch me because they found it "funny."

They've actually done this before. They agreed to go to the mall with me a few days after my birthday for a late birthday celebration but when the day came, all three of them had preexisting plans that they couldn't get out of. That day, I stayed at the mall for three hours just roaming around alone so mom and Taylor wouldn't worry. She still has yet to find out about that.

Thankfully, they showed up at 10:15. They all had coffee in their hands and they seemed to have planned their outfits together. Everyone had on a pair of jean shorts and a white crop top of some sort. As usual, I was the odd one out; I was wearing a floral summer dress.

"I missed you so much Sky!" Maddie ran up to me and gave me a hug. I faked a smile and hugged her back. I already felt left out and it hadn't even been 2 minutes since they showed up.

"I missed you too!" I said to be polite. I did the same with the two other girls, Jazmyn and Makenna.

"So, how have you been? I heard you and Miles Callahan are dating now." Jazmyn smirked.

"Yeah we are," Even just thinking about him brought the biggest smile on my face.

"I never thought you'd actually get a boyfriend, let alone Miles Callahan? He's literally the cutest guy in the whole world and everyone's crushing on him." Makenna said. "I thought he'd go for more famous and experienced girls, you know what I mean?" I didn't even know what to say to this. I've thought about this too, especially in the middle of the night when I tend to overthink.

"Yeah. I never imagined he'd choose someone like Sky. I mean, I'm not saying you're bad. But like, he knows a lot of other people, you know?" Jazmyn added.

"Well, him and I have known each other for years now and we're—" I started defending myself but Maddie started talking over me.

"Right? I honestly never thought Sky would ever date anyone. She just doesn't seem like the dating type." She said, to which everyone laughed. Everyone but me.

"What do you me—" Once again, I was cut off, this time by Makenna.

"She's also not the one night stand type though," She said.

And just like that, it was like the old times. It's like I never left. Every day, they'd start saying things that were backhanded or hurtful and they wouldn't even let me defend myself. They'd talk over me and discuss my life right in front of me as if I wasn't even there. They never have good things to say about me either.

"Anyways, Sky we brought you this," Jazmyn's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. In the bag that she handed me were things that I've always loved: candles, stickers, stuffed animals, glitter pens, nail polish, and a bottle of perfume. It was times like these that reminded me how good they are to me. Like always, I was instantly filled with guilt for thinking badly about them. Here they were giving me a bag full of things they got me because they knew that I loved these things, and I was over here hating on them.

"You guys, oh my god! Thank you so much!" I looked inside the bag once again before looking at all of them.

"Of course!" Maddie said. "Should we go to the mall now so we have enough time to go to every store?" She suggested. We all agreed and got in Jazmyn's car.

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