It's Only Natural

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Summary : Your first day in the North didn’t go as expected. Though, it was only in your nature to do the opposite of expected.


“Act natural.” Daenerys whispered, facing the northerners who held anything but warmth in their eyes. You almost grimaced, feeling your hands turning into ice as you observed the red-headed woman, meeting the bluest eyes you'd ever seen that showed the length of her trust in the newcomers. The tall Lady made Daenerys look small, and from the way your Queen fumbled with her hands, act natural, she said – you suspected your stay wouldn't be pleasant.

The dark hall where they held meetings weren't any warmer than it was outside, you discovered, ignoring the reprimanding look Daenerys was sending you, recalling the ways she had incessantly reminded you to wear more layers in which you had stubbornly insisted you didn’t need. Unlike many other warriors from her army, there were no weapons visible on you; your hands were free, either hanging by your sides or folded over your chest. You were dressed in a black skin-tight suit, a thick coat draped on your shoulders in what seemed like a terrible attempt at keeping out the cold.

At least the atmosphere was turning heated with their disagreements, fighting amongst each other, their sharp gazes poking at your instincts to stand closer to Daenerys, if only to act a human shield should things escalate – you could never be too cautious in regards of protecting her life. In the midst of it, your ears twitched at the barest sounds of footsteps drowned in the noises, creeping up from behind; “They seem to have already forgotten that you have dragons.” A Stark. The other sister, then – you've heard Jon talk of a younger sister who was always in trouble, though you had no idea she was still alive by the stories he told; all it took was him diving into the sayings of his house about wolves for you to stop listening.

She had no sharp features, no red hair from their mother nor the build of their father; but you knew instantly from the way she carried herself. “Just as we've sabotaged your wolf pack, Lady Stark.” You murmured through your teeth, feigning attention at the discussion ahead rather than facing your new acquaintance. Stunned, Arya let her eyes roam your figure, noticing the invisible weapons stashed where only an expert would hide it – an expert killer, a distinguished one, no less – she admitted herself intrigued. Without realizing, the two became engrossed in a conversation most interesting to any stray ears; a matter of how each and every person sitting in this room had an underlying secret beneath their cloaks of righteousness.

Daenerys couldn’t focus on the matters at hand; first, because her feet were freezing she couldn’t feel them anymore, second, because you were having so much fun whilst she was losing her very mind listening to nonsense. Third, she wanted to yank this girl's hair that it falls off her stupid head so she would lose the sly smirk on her lips – the girl that was wearing a house Stark sigil on her cloak, and Daenerys mentally added one other Stark she disliked just after two hours in this kingdom.

A rigid cough interrupted your fit of giggles and you straightened your back, scolding yourself on how unbecoming you've acted with a Lady of the great house – Arya remained unfazed, rolling her eyes at her sister’s unimpressed glare whilst you blanched at the brief glance Daenerys was sending you. The Khaleesi was not known for her mercy toward anyone on the other end, you included.

The small girl went to pat your back reassuringly, but her hand never had the chance to make contact – instead, your fist met her nose with a sickening crunch, her head thrown back from the force of it as the room shifted to chaos.

Oh, shit.


Daenerys was one of the very few that found the situation amusing, the rest included the victim herself; after having gulped a bottle of milk of the poppy and getting her bone set, the Lady skipped to your quarters – Daenerys’s, with a grin on her face and a blackish blue on the bridge of her nose. Surprisingly, Jon had taken the mantle to reason with his sister, much to the redhead’s surprise, whereas Daenerys was casually sipping wine when Arya arrived at the scene. Sansa took it upon herself to scold her younger sibling, “You must be elated to find a fellow lady warrior.” The latter scoffed, a smart reply at the tip of her tongue that she knew would aggravate Sansa even further.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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