Come Closer

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Summary : Literally just- soft times- just read it-

Words : 883 (short ik :'))

Notes : Sorry I haven't posted for some time. I got a lil block and couldn't seem to write anything good so I took a wee break. I tried to start something and got this. enjoy!

You absolutely hate being injured. Not that you could avoid it.. Ok so you could have avoided this one. But it's not like you would let someone else get stabbed through the heart and do nothing.. Okay it wasn't a real fight, so what? Practice makes perfect, it's what people say.

All you got was a bruised abdomen, sprained your ankle and a little bleeding from an accidental hit.. Ok it was a lot of blood, you were sure you're going to have trouble cleaning that shirt, or they probably threw it away already. But you're fine.

You are wearing clean clothes, your arm is all bandaged up, just a little throb every now and then from your ankle. You sighed as you shuffle around on the bed, feeling restless. Your thoughts drifted to Daenerys, where could she be right now. Groaning, you threw yourself to the side of the bed before getting up, minding your ankle you clutch at the stick you made in your boredom to help you, and start to walk.

You found Daenerys in her room, seemingly conversing with the second sons man.. what's his name? Dar- Daro? Doesn't sound right. They sat on the chair in the corner, probably talking about politics. The sound of your heavy walking disrupted their conversation, they turned their head simultaneously to see you walking to the bed- the Queen's bed before plopping yourself down.

"Oh don't mind me just.. continue what you were doing, I'll just be here."

They exchanged a few other words that you were too lazy to comprehend, you glanced at them as Daario- yes that's his name- left the room. Daenerys turned her eyes to you and shook her head, "And aren't you supposed to be resting?" She walked over and situated herself beside you, head resting on her hand. You hummed.

"I am resting," She stared at you, seemingly not amused. "My bed is too cold without you." You send her a lopsided grin which earned you an eyeroll, but a smile graced her lips nonetheless. "You're a sap." She reached out her hand to your face and you leaned into it, basking in the warmth of her touch. You turned suddenly to mirror her position, wincing at the pain on your stomach and your arm.

Daenerys frowned, "Does it still hurt?" You simply nodded, "I'm fine," She doesn't seem convinced. "No one heals overnight, Dany. I'll be fine, promise." You opened your arms and wiggled your fingers, silently asking for a cuddle.

"Come closer." Hesitating for a moment, Daenerys carefully tucked herself against your body, arms wrapped around your midsection and feet tangling with yours. You sighed in content at the contact, relieved to be in her arms again.

Daenerys put her ears against your chest, listening to your heartbeat as it rhymes along with hers. She inhaled, filling her senses with your scent that's just so incredibly you. Tangled with you like this, she felt content, safe. She felt like home. and there's nowhere else she'd rather be.

You moved your hand through her hair as you cuddled, slowly undoing her braids as gentle as you can. "Your hair is so soft." You whispered to her only to be met with a chuckle. She looked up at you with the brightest eyes you will never get bored of, bumping her nose against yours. You stopped your motion, now using your hand to push her head towards you. You stopped mere inches apart, waiting for her to make the move.

Your lips met and your heart jumped, closing your eyes, your hand moved to her neck, the other moving to her waist. Daenerys pulled at your hair suddenly and latched her lips to your neck, making you gasp. Heat gathered in your lower belly and you grind yourself against her, only for her to stop her action.

Your breaths come in pants, both of you trying to control yourselves. With your injury, she would never let you do other activities besides resting and sleeping all day. You opened your eyes and were met with the sight of Daenerys, chest rising and falling rapidly, lips slightly swollen and pupils dilated. You let out a laugh, and her eyebrows rise at the sound as if to question you.

You leaned in and pecked her lips, "You're so beautiful." A blush ghosted her cheeks as she tried to hold in her smile, "You're not so bad yourself, my love." Your heart skipped at the name. "You love me?" You asked with a huge grin on your face. Daenerys rolled her eyes playfully and hummed, pretending to think over your question. "Admit it." You whispered, kissing the tip of her nose.

A yawn escaped you involuntarily and you snuggled closer to Daenerys, this time tucking your head under her chin. Her arms resuming their place around you and you sighed, ready to let sleep consume you. "Good night, Dany." She only hummed in response, tightening her hold as she pressed a kiss on your head.

Only when she felt your breathing slowed and a soft snore can be heard, did she utter the words I love you before she succumbed to sleep herself. Little did she know, you heard her and went to sleep with a smile on your face.

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