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Summary : You thought it was the ending, she proved you wrong.

Warning : blood, violence

Words : 2912 (I got carried away-)

Notes : um.. I still don't know how to write

You lay under the covers, your body rigid as you stare at the ceiling. The sound of your breathing the only thing accompanying you. You sighed as you thought about the Queen, a frown made its way to your face. The empty space beside you seemed to taunt you away from your sleep. You're laying in her bedchamber without her. You had left Missandei with her, claiming a headache as an excuse to leave the meeting.

She had been so busy, planning attacks all day and night, what with the whole thing with Jon Snow and the dragonglass. You didn't miss the longing gaze he would give Daenerys when she talked, how he would say something funny to make her smile, how he actually succeeded in getting her attention. And all you've done is watch as you stand behind her with Missandei.

An alliance, she had said. You couldn't agree more. He will bend the knee, sooner or later. And you will stand there, watching it happen. After all, he's got the North to offer. And you, you've only got your sword, which can be replaced with any other. You scold yourself to think you could be anything more than just a guard to her. All the sweet promises, the laughter, the playful banter, it all meant nothing in the end.

You let out a shaky exhale, willing yourself not to cry. You knew this would happen. Not because you didn't trust her loyalty to you, but because you don't trust yourself to be enough for her. Your stomach churned at the thought of her with someone else. You wondered if you could handle it, standing beside her as she fell in love with another man. if you couldn't, what would you do? Leave her Queen's guard? You wouldn't do that for the life of you. You'd sworn to protect her, and you would do so until your last breath.

The screech of the door snapped you out of your thoughts and you quickly close your eyes to fake sleeping. It closes a moment later, and you heard footsteps and shuffling around the room. What you didn't expect was for a dead weight to sit on your chest and a hand wrapped around your throat. Your eyes snapped open to see an unfamiliar set of eyes, the person wore a dark cloak and had a cloth covering his mouth.

You gripped at his hand as you gasped for breath, making a weak attempt to scream but nothing came out of your mouth. Your other hand reached under your pillow, feeling around until wrapping around something cold, you took the knife out and sliced the man's cheek, using his moment of distraction to push him off of you. You quickly got up and reached for your sword. You turned around to receive a punch to the face, but you recovered quickly and swing your sword which he ducked easily. You could feel the blood in your mouth as you stared at him.

'What is he doing here? is there an ambush? Why is someone trying to kill me?' You thought to yourself. He pulled out his own sword, but his movements were sloppy and you disarmed him in no time. He fought hard for someone at a disadvantage, You kicked him as hard as your small body can, making him fall to the bed and you held the tip of your sword to his neck.

You slowly reached over to his face, wanting to see who it was. But before you could pull the cloth off, you felt a hot searing pain in your abdomen and you gasped. You looked down to see a knife lodged into your stomach- your knife. When did he even get a hold of it? He pushed you and you staggered back, he twisted the knife and pulled it out and a scream ripped out of your chest. He looked satisfied and turned away, but he walked so slow to the direction of the door and you make a quick swipe of your sword as his head fell to the floor in a thud.

You took a breath, and it hurts. You can't believe this happened. How could you let him get a hold on your knife? How could you not see it? Why did you not see it? You pressed your palm to the wound, looking down, you saw your night gown stained red from splattered blood, but mostly from your blood. How are you supposed to protect the Queen if you can't even protect yourself? You gasped. 'Daenerys!' Where is she? Is she even safe?

Silver [Daenerys Targaryen Imagines]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu