See you

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Summary : Who is she?

Warning(s) : Language

Words : 1811

Notes : I still got my block apparently :/ so everything is going on slowly. Enjoy!

You rode through the desert, following the so-called captains on the way to meet the Dragon Queen. The air is humid today, wind blowing ever so slightly and dust getting in your eyes. You wonder about the Silver Queen, the Mother of Dragons. You've never seen dragons in your whole life. Rarely even heard of them. Though given your origin, you're more fascinated than surprised at the odds of them being back. You wonder if you're going to see them- the Dragons. But above all you wonder how she looks- is she pretty? tall? She's got silver hair, which sounds interesting. Does she have violet eyes?

Your thoughts were cut short as the horde stopped, showing you'd arrived. A tent is set up and a bunch of soldiers surrounded the place, no dragons in sight, you fought the urge to slump in disappointment.

You walked inside and basically hid behind the three bulky men as they were being introduced, your eyes never strayed from the beauty sat in a long chair in front of you.

Her silver hair was braided half-way, the rest flowing down her shoulders in waves, her eyes just the most enchanting purple you've ever seen, and she's smaller than you expected. Your eyes made contact with her as the men moved out of the way to take a seat, and you smirked as her eyes widened in surprise.

You moved and stood beside Daario, leaning your hips on his shoulders and he glared at you but kept silent. You watched as she stayed collected at the rude comments made and you rolled your eyes at his words. Men. They don't know any better.

"Give me your second sons and I may not have you gelded." She replied.

You smiled in amusement at her confidence, though you don't doubt her for a second. They started counting on the numbers of your men and theirs and you snorted as they told you about their 10,000 men.

You gauge her reaction as Daario corrected them, but she only stared at him before flicking her eyes onto you every now and then. Daenerys wondered what a girl is doing with the Second sons, and if she was curious she didn't show it.

"You're very young to be a captain." She directed her eyes back at Daario. You snorted again, this time louder. "He's not a captain, he's a leftenant." You told her as you pat his head to tease him, only to smile when he swatted your hand away.

Their conversation (if you could call it that) continued as she stated her offers. She sounded so confident, you thought. Perhaps if you do end up fighting for her, you'd know more about her and maybe, you'd get a look at her dragons. You've always been interested in strange creatures. Especially one that was supposed to be extinct.

"My Queen, shall I slice out his tongue for you?" Your thoughts were once again interrupted when you heard her unsullied speak Valyrian, and you stared in excitement. It's refreshing, you haven't heard anyone speak it for such a long time. "These men are our guests." She replied with a smile on her face.

"I wouldn't mind doing it for you," You chimed in, and all heads turned on you, the Queen taken aback by your words. If she was curious then, she is even more now.

"And who might you be?" She asked, not switching her language. You quite liked hearing her voice, you decided. You stated your name before saying, "Nice to meet you, my Queen." She raised her eyebrows when you acknowledged her as such and you winked, shrugging your shoulders as a smile once again settled on her lips.

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