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Summary : You were mysterious, but she managed to unravel you.

Words : 3141

A/N : It's been such a long time since I wrote lmao. Also this makes no sense so I apologize in advance.


Daenerys stretched her body over the mattress, sighing in relief when she felt some bones pop on the way. It's been an exhausting day. Having sat through various meetings, she would do anything for an ounce of peace for the night. It was quiet, but sometimes the silence does little to ease her anxiety. The sounds of candles crackling and her own breaths were the only noises filling her ears. She turned to lay on her front and breathed in as her eyes stared out at the half moon, letting her thoughts consume her.

A group of criminals has been stealing the troops from the farmers for quite some time, but recently, after having increased the security throughout the farms they have resolved into kidnapping children, and, sometimes, even killed them. Sometimes doesn't make it excusable for they are still murderers. Daenerys' heart ached for the mothers who lost their child, the uncertainty that follows them as days went by sets a deeper guilt inside her.

If she can't get the children back, then was she not meant to rule? She can't even catch a group of murderers. No one said it would be easy, but she's a Queen, dammit. She better start proving herself like one.

The candles blew out eventually and her eyes shut, falling into a sleep with a million thoughts running about in her mind.


Her heart thumped in her chest as a man came running to bring news, the new attempts they made the night before didn't do anything, but there was a finding. A body of a man that a woman claimed to recognize was laid in front of her castle, dead. It wasn't just any man. It was the man that snatched a weeping baby straight out of their mother's arms in broad daylight, in the comfort of their home.

She gasped at the state the man was in. His eyes were open, like he's seeing death in the eyes, his hands were tied with long scars adjourning his arms. A line along his neck so deep that Daenerys worried the head would detach from his body. It was horrible, and it looked like a plan of action that was thought through.

The baby was also back in their mother's arms, only it was not breathing anymore. The woman was in hysterics, and Daenerys had to avert her eyes away to prevent tears from falling. She pondered on who could have done this. Obviously, it wasn't anyone that she knew of for someone would have informed her so. But there was something strange about the dead man that she couldn't quite point out.

Her mind screamed for her to look away but her eyes remained still on the wounds. The dried blood glared right back at her, asking for her attention and she couldn't help but feel like it was a clue to something.

Her brain came up with nothing, and she stopped dwelling on it when another case surfaced.

She didn't sleep that night.

They burned the body.


It went the same way for the next few days. Many men would be dumped in front of the door, long scars scattering along their arms. Some looked that whoever did it took their time, while some had quick deaths. No one had any idea on who might possibly has the ability to track them all down, but the people have been sighing in relief and some hoping that their country would be safe once again.

After a few weeks, it seemed like the criminals- what was left of it, anyway- were too scared to start anything, and Daenerys felt at peace. She had been suggesting that they find the person behind the slaughtering of all these men, yet her advisors failed to see the necessity in doing so.

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