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Summary : You're a Stark, having escaped the Red Wedding, on a journey to run away. You found something more meaningful on your way.

Requested by Azureman136

Words : 7093

Notes : this took so long.. and it turned out long too lmfaoo. I enjoyed writing this so hopefully you enjoy reading it too!

The room was filled with music, it was crowded and loud, smelly men moving about all around you and you stared at the food in disgust. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their time, even Robb and Tali as you spy them talking and later kissed each other. You look away just to see your mother smiling at the couple, which sent a smile to your face as well.

It's been rough for her as of late and you were relieved to see a smile plastered on her face once more. There was an unsettling feeling at the pit of your stomach, suddenly finding the air around you to be unbearable, you stood up and went for the door after whispering to your mother about needing fresh air.

Going up to the wolves' cage, you sneaked your direwolf- Alyssa out. Putting the hood of your robes up to cover your auburn hair, you turned and walked to the bathroom. "Come on, girl." Quickly signaling for the wolf, the animal jumped on its feet, excited to finally be out.

You heard the door close behind you and you stopped in your tracks, pausing to look back before shrugging and continued your walk. Your heart jumped in your chest and you gasped, running to the direction of the back door, finding it void of any guards.

The music had stopped playing, a shout could be heard and you picked up your pace. "Wait here," You told the wolf, peeking your head into the room just in time to see Talisa falling to the floor, clutching her stomach. You clasped your hand to your mouth, muffling a scream that threatened to come out.

All hell broke loose, arrows were fired and knives were drawn, just as you were about to storm inside, a rough hand grabbed your arm and slammed you to the wall. A strand of your hair fell out and your assailant smirked.

"Ah.. the Stark girl.." A glimpse of silver caught your eye and you struggled to break free, his strength surely overpowering yours. As he raised his knife, Alyssa jumped and bit hard on his arm, letting you scramble to the side.

You recovered swiftly and stole his knife, stabbing his chest before slitting his throat for good measure, touching your wolf to alert her to let go of her hold. Inside, Catelyn Stark screamed out for the Freys to let Robb escape but all he did was stand there, letting another man stab his chest. Bolton.

You let out a silent scream, your whole body trembling as tears streamed down your face, watching your brother fell to the floor with a thud, his body just beside his wife's. You met your mother's eyes and you can see panic setting in, though she didn't show it, her head swaying slightly to tell you to run.

You shook your head and hid behind the door as Walder Frey turned his head, heart beating out of your chest. The sound of someone else hitting the ground rang in your ears.

Taking a breath, you bolted for the exit without hesitation, mounting the first horse on your sight and took off, sight clouded by tears and breathing ragged, your wolf trailing by your side.

When you arrived at the camps, chaos had already ensued. Fire were raging through your banners and men were slaughtered. You slid down the horse and ran to your tent, hand rummaging through the cupboards. Your hand caught the hilt of a knife and you gritted your teeth, the small wolf embedded on it felt hot on your palm.

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