A Moment In Time

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Summary : Daenerys was wary of letting you close to the dragons, but you had a way of surprising her.

Warning (s) : mentions of past abuse, some bloody murder, I wrote this at work, never good, that.



It was muddy. Your boots stuck to the soles of your feet uncomfortably, damp and clammy as you stomped through the cold, stone floor to the direction of the great hall where the Dragon Queen discussed the ways to overthrow the Lannisters.

Heart thumping hard in your chest, you couldn't care enough for your appearance at the moment; soot covered your body from head to toe, rainwater dripping from your waist down - it would be a sight to find Daenerys' shadow, her quiet, loyal friend and knight making such a commotion. Luckily, you had no mind to care for them right now.

There were more important matters at hand.

It wasn't by your decision that Daenerys deemed the meeting she was in to be urgent - her disapproving glance at your soiled dress made you recoil, though her violet eyes immediately softened as she was suddenly overcame with the urge to embrace you; grime and all. You bit on the insides of your cheeks to keep your excitement in, practically bouncing on your feet as you nodded sharply at her gesture to wait a moment.

A moment. That's all you need.

It took more than a moment - you were sure dusk would come down upon the sky soon, and by the time she stepped into your peripheral, your damp clothes had dried, leaving goosebumps on your skin at each blow of wind that passed through the corridors. Having thought that you were going back to the caves soon, you hadn't a mind to change into better, drier dresses - anticipation burning away your exhaustion from the gruesome game of waiting.

You worried your lower lip between your teeth, eyes inspecting the darkening skies and the storms sure to befall Dragonstone before you could reach your destination. Your shoulders sagged, disappointment seeping in your bones as you eyed the green field longingly; what wonders it would look like to be filled with baby dragons playing about - something you never expected to witness.

Hope only blossomed in your chest, one you planned to share to the Targaryen woman on your side as her arm easily sneaked through yours and linking it with hers.

"Where were you, and what sight are we seeing today?"

"You wouldn't believe it." Came your breathless reply. Even after all this time, having Daenerys willingly clinging herself to your side caused your brain to stop its work.

Despite her challenging gaze that said, 'try me', you deprived her from the truth, reminded of the times she closed off whenever you so much as mention stepping foot near her children - it was always an insecurity of yours; that she never trusted you enough to allow it.

She stressed that it was for your safety, so you did all you could to heed her words while watching other people interact with the dragons. You strained to point out how a foreigner from the North made it out alive after catching her with the gigantic creatures and shoved the unreasonable jealousy deep inside your chest.

"If only we had nicer clouds today." Shuffling closer to her side, you buried half of your body to her, seeking for a warmth she couldn't provide with the starts of a storm pouring, washing over you with a gentle wave of rainwater.

"And nicer odds on meeting Rhaegal?" You could feel her sigh at your imply before the air made it out of her lungs, imagining her pursed lips and puffed cheeks as she raked her mind for another excuse - it was all she always did. It wouldn't have been much a problem, you supposed, if there wasn't another human easily stepping into the shoes meant for no one, to befriend her untamed dragons; or so she'd claimed.

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