Chapter 57- The Last Stand

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The group found themselves huddled together within the right knee of the Colossus, their faces illuminated by the flashing alarm lights and the blaring siren echoing through the metal chamber.

"We need to move fast," Korra declared. "Su, Lin, climb up to the arm and try to disable that weapon. Fara, Mako, Bolin, head to the engine and see if you can power this thing down." She looked around at her team, eyes shining with resolve. "I'm going after Kuvira."

"I'll go with you," Fara insisted.

Su urged Korra to let Fara accompany her. "Yeah. Are you sure? When you fought Kuvira before..."

"I know," Korra said solemnly, her gaze dropping to the ground. "She almost destroyed me." Determination filled her eyes as she lifted her gaze. "Not this time."

As the group split up, Fara, Mako, and Bolin began ascending the interior ladders, while the Beifong sisters utilized their metal cables to launch themselves upward.

Fara had managed to take down a few guards before the trio located the engine room. Upon reaching it, they found a hatch on top. Bolin swiftly created a lava disk, slicing through the hatch, granting them access to the engine room. Inside, they discovered the spirit vines, electrified and supplying power to the tank.

Mako, ready to jump from the ladder, declared, "I'm going for that lever. Either of you get the other one. "

The trio split up, with Bolin reforming his lava disc. As Mako approached a guard, ready to engage in combat, Fara kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings.

One of the guards pointed at Fara, calling out, "Hey, you!"

The guard fired metal plates at Fara, who swiftly dodged them before retaliating with a blast of her own. The guard shielded himself using the metal plates from his uniform. As Fara attempted to deflect the plates with airbending, Mako's blast unexpectedly struck the spirit vine core, causing a small explosion. The force of the explosion sent both the firebender and the stormbender flying into a nearby pillar.

Fara groaned as Mako helped her up. He glanced over to see Bolin blocking metal plates with the lava disc before turning to notice more plates coming their way. Fara and Mako worked together, dodging and countering with kicks of fire and air. They skillfully avoided getting hit by more attacks and then launched another arc of bending at their enemies."

As the duel continued, Fara, Mako, and Bolin fought against the guards with their airbending, firebending, and lava disc skills, respectively.

Dodging an attack, Fara stumbled backward against the wall as a large metal fragment was fired at her. Leaning on the rail for support, she unleashed a powerful blast from her feet, knocking the guard back against the lever. Despite his attempt to recover, Fara swiftly sent him tumbling down once more with another blast of air, knocking him unconscious.

Fara glanced down at her nails, noticing a chip. "Fuck, he made me chip a nail," she muttered in frustration before delivering a swift kick to the guard.

Mako reached for the lever. "Thanks, Fara," he called out before shouting over to Bolin. "I'm ready!"

Bolin, pinned against a wall, deftly dodged attacks from his opponent while maintaining his lava disc. "Be with you in one second! Kind of busy!" He aimed his lava disc, hitting a steam pipe and releasing fog into the room. Fara utilized the fog to conceal Bolin's movements, preventing the guard from locating him. As the guard recovered, Bolin launched a surprise attack, emerging from the fog and knocking the guard backward into the pipe.

Bolin gave Fara a thumbs up in thanks before exclaiming, "Okay, ready now!"

Bolin swiftly moved to the opposite lever, aligning himself with his brother. Together, they positioned their hands on the levers. As the intensity grew, Mako initiated the countdown.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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