Chapter 16- The Glacier Spirits Festival

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It has been exactly six months since the defeat of Amon and his equalists. With the United Republic Council disbanded, Raiko has been elected the United Republic of Nations' first president. While Bumi retired from the United Forces and is now living with my family and I at the Air Temple Island, Korra and Mako continue their relationship, becoming the talk of Republic City.

Everyone has been doing their own thing. Bolin has been trying to put a new team of Fire Ferrets together, after the arena had reopened. I visited him a couple of times and watched a few of their matches, they sucked.

Mako had joined the police force and it seemed to be going well, I guess. I don't know, I don't really talk to him as much anymore.

Asami was dealing with her father's company, while I basically did nothing. Don't get me wrong, I've tried the pro bending with Bolin. The police work with Mako and being Asami's partner in crime with future industries.

Okay, that's a lie, I stopped at pro bending since there aren't any other airbenders but my father and siblings, but I've been home with my family. And we can't forget about Iroh.

Iroh had to delay our meet up a few months ago, because of problems in the Fire Nation, but we have been sending each other gifts and letters. And yes, I've saved every single one of them.

But this week, I would finally be able to see Iroh again, because he would be on break from his general duties and we'd be in the South Pole for the glacier festival.

I'm pretty sure he was going to be arriving at the temple, so we could all travel to the South together.

Today was the day that Iroh would be arriving, as I was making my way towards the dock, I was stopped by uncle Bumi. "And where are you going dressed up and all?" He asks, waving a race car flag around.

I brightly smile towards him. "Iroh's coming."

"Ahhh!" Uncle Bumi chuckles. "So you and the general. You know, I've called it since...well since you were born."

Before I could say anything, Korra comes hurling towards me on her air scooter with my siblings close behind.

"No fair," Ikki whines. "You can't go into the Avatar state to win."

I roll my eyes. "I don't have time for this, Iroh is arriving."

"You did what?" Dad shrieks.

"Oh my spirits, oh my spirits, move. Iroh is coming!"

"Fara, quiet down." Dad says as he begins to scold Korra about the usage of the Avatar state. He begins to trail off about how he's not needed on the council anymore because of the new president and that he is now a family man.

I bordley listen to my father rant, but a finger gently taps my shoulder.

I turn around to see a huge stuffed hog monkey. "Delivery for Fara."

I brightly smile as I attach myself onto the General, tightly wrapping my legs around his waist. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Six feet!" Dad croaks.

Iroh quickly but carefully let's go of me. "Hey."

"Hi." I beam, taking the stuffed animal out of his hand. "Thanks for coming."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world,"

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