Chapter 56- Day of The Colossus

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The entire building of Asami's company collapsed under the force of the energy cannon. Ash and debris rained down in all directions, some catching fire and adding to the thick gray smoke billowing from the ruined structure. As the ground shook violently, Bolin strained to bend it upward, forming a barrier to shield the trapped people from further harm. Amidst the chaos, the others scrambled to safety, guided by Bolin's valiant efforts to keep the wall intact.

His voice strained with exertion as people rushed past him. "Go ahead, take your time, just bending a giant wall! Man, have we got a lot of people hurt!" Bumi and Suyin carefully and slowly carried out an unconscious Baatar Jr. "Is that everybody?! Gah!" Bolin dropped the huge slab of concrete, throwing himself out of its way as it crashed back down.

Fara rushed over to her siblings, wrapping them in a tight embrace.

Tenzin swiftly airbent himself to the top of a nearby building, scanning the area from above. After a few seconds, he descended into the midst of the group gathered in a crater of rubble nearby.

Quickly, he urged, "Kuvira is heading our way, with a platoon of mecha suits!"

"What should we do?" Asami asked.

"This is my hometown and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing! Let her take the city for now!" Bolin suggested. "We'll think of some way to come back and beat her!"

"What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet? If Kuvira finds out that Wu is with them, she might fire that spirit cannon at him and take them all out." Mako pointed out.

All eyes turned to Korra as she spoke. "I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu. I'm not letting her conquer Republic City. The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon."

A firm, driven voice suddenly pierced the air from the top of the rubble crater on Korra's left, and the members of the group turned to see Lin standing atop it. "I agree. We take down that giant today."

"Lin!" Korra exclaimed.

"Glad to see you all made it out. You had me worried," Lin said with a smile, her voice carrying a hint of relief.

"Well, you benders are going to have to fight her alone. She just blew up our factory with all our hummingbird suits," Varrick lamented.

Asami stroked her chin thoughtfully. "Not all of them. There are the prototypes back at my office. If we can get those ready to fly, we'll at least be able to offer a little air support."

"Su, you take Baatar Jr. and the rest of the wounded back to Asami's office," Korra directed. She then turned to Asami. "Get those suits working as soon as you can. The rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own."

The group split up, with the rest of them racing through the deserted city street. Fara, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Lin, Ikki, and Meelo dashed down the street. Meelo, the last one to pass by, suddenly stopped and turned back to a window.

"A paint store? That's it!" Meelo exclaimed, airbending the door open.

Lin doubled back to him, asking, "What are you doing, Meelo?"

Excitedly, he exclaimed, "I just got an idea on how to beat the giant. Now, everyone, grab some paint and find me some balloons."

As they followed his instructions, the sound of the mecha suit's heavy footsteps reverberated through the streets.

The airbenders dashed across the rooftop, launching themselves into the open sky with bright-green balloons filled with paint strapped to their bodies. Forming a coordinated formation, they descended upon the Colossus.

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