Chapter 52- The Battle of Zaofu

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A/n: Hey guys, it's been a while, SORRY. I'll be switching to the third person P.O.V from now on. Pronouns like "she," and "her," will replace "I" or "my" to portray Fara's narrative.

"Korra, you have to go stop Su before she does something terrible." Jinora exclaimed.

"Stop her, we should be helping her." Opal retaliated.

"We have no idea where your mom is, or what her plan is. If we go charging into Kuvira's camp, we could get them all captured, or worse," Fara explained.

Korra nodded in agreement. "All we can do now is wait."

Opal's expression sank, and suddenly, the speakers around Zaofu came alive with an uncertain, crackling energy.

"Attention citizens of Zaofu." Kurvia's voice echoed, freezing everyone in place. "Your leader, Su Beifong, attempted to attack me tonight while I slept, ignoring the terms of our truce. Luckily, I now have her and her assault team in custody. Rest assured that I will not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu, unless your remaining representatives meet me outside the city at dawn to offer the full and unconditional surrender of your city. Oh, and Fara, should you consider contacting General Iroh to attack, we'll face serious consequences. I spot him at the border lines; instruct him to stand down with the rest of his united forces, or I'll take serious measures into my own hands. That is all."

Fara's entire body jolted at the mere mention of Iroh. "Iroh?"

She turned to Jinora, whose expression mirrored her own confusion. "Iroh's here?"

Opal shot a stern gaze at Korra. "Korra, you can't let Kuvira get away with this! We have to go break out my mom and brothers!"

Jinora, irked by Opal's aggressive stance, stated firmly, "You swore an oath of non-aggression when you became an airbender. You can't just attack Kuvira!"

Frantically, Fara's panic set in. "Iroh—Iroh! I need to find Iroh!"

It felt as if Fara was in her own world, with no one acknowledging her urgency. Opal declared with defiance, "I don't care about the oath! I have to save my family!"

Korra placed a hand on Opal's shoulder. "No, Jinora is right. Your mom attacked the camp. Kuvira was just defending herself."

Opal angrily shrugged off Korra's hand. "Defending herself? She was going to attack our city! I can't believe you're refusing to fight!"

The house doors creaked open, revealing Meelo in his nightclothes, haven been disturbed by Kuvira's announcement.

Rubbing his eyes tiredly, Meelo complained, "Why is that loudspeaker lady talking when I'm trying to sleep?"

Fara knelt down to meet Meelo at eye level. "Dumpling, where is Ikki?"

Suddenly, Ikki emerged from the doors, hand in hand with General Iroh. "Fara, look who I found!"

Fara nearly collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked up at Iroh, her vision blurry from the tears.

Iroh kneeled down, picked her up, and embraced her in a tight hug. "I missed you so much."

Sniffling against his chest, Fara replied, "I-I missed you too. I'm glad you're okay."

Iroh eased out of the hug, pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, and tenderly brushed her hair back. "I'm okay. It's just my men. Kuvira blocked our entry; she anticipated our move. But she issued a threat against you, your siblings, Su, and her sons. She's holding them captive but allowed me to enter if I withdrew my troops, and that's precisely what I did."

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