Chapter 31- In Harms Way

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I made my way outside to bring some refreshment over to Korra and Asami. The Avatar was blowing off steam, as she used Asami as her punching bag.

Korra punches a protective glove that Asami was wearing. "I know that Earth Queen," Asami counter-attacks, which she dodges. "Is lying to me!" Korra kicks. "I can tell by that stupid little queenly smirk of hers! I can't believe I helped her. I should have known she was using me!"

Korra rises with airbending and attacks Asami with an air kick, knocking off one of her protective gloves.

"Hey, I think I can use a break." Asami suggests. "You letting off steam is starting to," she unstraps her other glove. "Hurt. A lot."

"Sorry." Korra mumbles.

Asami runs over to me as she picks up a cup from the tray I was holding. "Thanks. I've been so thirsty."

Pabu chitters and runs forward. The girls and I look up from the ferret to see Mako and Bolin running toward us, panting.

"Mako. Bolin. You're okay. Where have you been?" Asami asks as she is in the middle of sipping her tea.

Bolin tries catching his breath. "We chased Kai. Train. Slipped away. Lower Ring. Slept in trash pile. Met our family. Grandma tears. Mako scarf." He throws Pabu onto his head, mimicking the queen's royal headgear. "Earth Queen. Lying." He slumps onto the floor.

I raise an eyebrow as I mischievously look at his firebender brother. "Can you interpret that?"

"The Earth Queen's been secretly taking away airbenders and forcing them into her army."

Korra hunches over as she bawls her fist closed in anger. "She was lying. I knew it! I swear, the next time I see her..."

My eyes widened as a green sedan was approaching our way. "Uh, is that the earth queen?" I ask pointing to the carriage.

Korra softens and looks at the Queen, who is exiting her carriage.

Bolin opens his outer shirt. "Quick! Pabu. Shirt."
Pabu jumps in, chittering in protest. "I know. Sorry. Kinda sweaty."

The earth queen made her way towards the group with her advisor. "Good. You're here. Gun, tell them the news."

"We've received word from the Yang Province. There have been reports of airbenders there."

"Wonderful, isn't it?" The queen dryly responded.  "It's the very thing you've been looking for."

Wow that's great news. I thought. When I turned to look at my friends, I saw that they were expressionless.

I stepped behind Mako as I murmured into his back. "We aren't buying this, right?"

"Of course not." He lightly scrawled.

Yeah. Haha, I thought so to.

"Thank you!" I sarcastically announce. "That is just the most wonderful news. Ever. Yay."

"So, I assume you and your friends here will be leaving immediately." The queen begins to sneeze repeatedly with unease. She turns to Gun, struggling to breathe. "Is there an animal in my presence?"

"N-no, Your Majesty. I would never allow an animal near you." Bolin folds his arms innocently. Pabu's tail pops out of his shirt. Shocked, Bolin clasps his arms around the tail and runs off.

The queen continues to sneeze. "If I find one within fifty feet of me, it's your head." She turns to my friends and I. "Anyway, if you need any assistance packing, let Gun know. He'll see to it that you're on your way by evening."

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