Chapter 39- Its too Late

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When we heard a lot of noise outside the cantina the next morning, Asami, Korra, and I ran outside to see what was going on.

Mako, Bolin, and a large family were gathered at the fountain's center of the Misty Palms Oasis.

"Asami! Korra! Fara!" Bolin shouts, overjoyed.

"You guys are okay!" Mako says.

Bolin and Mako run forward, hugging Asami, Korra and I respectively. Korra was slightly taken aback by the hug, but returns the favor.

Mako stops hugging Korra; awkwardly. "Sorry. I was just-It's so good to see you."

"It's really good to see you, too." Korra turns to Bolin. "Both of you."

Lin steps out of the cantina, Lord Zuko and Tonraq are not far behind her. "Good. You guys aren't dead."

"Don't get all mushy on me, Chief." Mako bows. "Tonraq. Sir." Tonraq nods to him.

Bolin slides toward Zuko. "Oh my gosh, it's Lord Zuko! I can't believe it." He tries to suppress his laughs of excitement.

"Uhm," Mako pulls Bolin aside. "Forgive my brother. We're just really honored to meet you, Sir." Mako and Bolin bow in respect to Zuko.

Zuko bows back. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

Asami and I giggle at the interaction.

An elderly women walks up to Asami and I, she grabs Asami's hands. "You must be the Avatar." Asami smiles awkwardly. "Mako told me so much about you. You are even more beautiful than I imagined."

Mako leads Korra to the women. "Uh, actually, that's Asami. This is Avatar Korra. Korra, this is my grandma, Yin."

Yin holds Korra by the hand. "You are very muscular for a woman."

"Uhm, thanks. You too?" Korra replies.

I cover my hand over my mouth containing my giggles. Yin turns to me. "Wow, you are so beautiful. Your hair is as gray as mine. How fascinating."

I sheepishly smile in response.

Yin strokes my long locks. "Would you like to date my grandson, Mako?"

I blinked a few times, taken aback. Before I could respond, Mako hissed at his grandmother. "Grandma, she is dating Lord Zuko's grandson, General Iroh."

Yin gasped. "Oh my. My apologies. I know why you wouldn't want to date my Mako now." She elbows Asami. "She's like royalty, huh? Can't blame her."

I whisper to Mako. "Your grandma's...sweet?"

Mako rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. "Sorry about her."

Yin looks around the three of us girls. "What lovely young women. Mako, why aren't you dating any nice girls like them?" Korra and Asami grimace and smile in awkwardness.

He kinda...already did

Asami tries to change the subject. "Uh, so what happened to you two? Where have you been?"

"We were captured by Zaheer and taken to Ba Sing Se. We were there when the Earth Queen was overthrown." Mako said.

"What?" Korra spat out. "How did you escape?"

"Zaheer let us go."

"What? Why would he do that?" Korra asked.

"Because he wanted us to find you and deliver a message." Bolin chimed in.

"Zaheer is headed to the Northern Air Temple as we speak. He said he's gonna wipe out the new Air Nation and everyone in it. Unless you turn yourself over to him." Mako explained.

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