Chapter 54- Secrecy

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Fara and Iroh enjoyed a laid-back morning in her room, creating a comfortable atmosphere. Iroh took his time, delicately painting Fara's toenails with precision.

Ikki, present in the room, played the role of a beauty expert, carefully applying a cucumber face mask to both Iroh and Fara. "You guys are cool; neither Meelo nor Jinora let me do this with them."

"Sups cool," Iroh said, his choice of words causing Fara and Ikki to cringe involuntarily.

"Please, never say that again," Fara replied with a playful grimace, Ikki nodding in agreement, emphasizing the need to retire that particular expression from Iroh's vocabulary.

Iroh acknowledged with a nod. "Noted. I need to leave; my mother's attending the meeting regarding Kuvira, and she'd like me to join."

"I'll come with you if you want; my dad's going to be there," Fara suggested.

"Perfect," Iroh remarked, a warm smile gracing his face as he donned his jacket. He shared a tender kiss with Fara, then turned to Ikki, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "See you soon," he murmured before departing.


Entering city hall with Tenzin, Fara noticed Mako and couldn't resist asking, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Mako motioned toward Wu, indicating his presence in the meeting with Raiko, Tenzin, Izumi, and Iroh. Seated together at the table, Lin stood nearby next to Tenzin.

"-I say we deal with this Kuvira situation immediately." Raiko declared.

Wu, eager to contribute, chimed in, "Agreed! And I know just how to get rid of her: we tell her she won an all-expense paid vacation to a tropical island. Then, when she gets there, we reveal that it was a trap. The island's a prison! Boom! Got her!" Tenzin raised an eyebrow disapprovingly, prompting Wu to backtrack. "Or, okay, uh, I'm just spitballing here. We march in with an army of highly trained badgermoles!" Wu received more disapproving looks from Raiko and Izumi. In a small voice, he added, "Do we know if Kuvira has any allergies?"

"Look, I think we all know what must be done. We take the fight to her." Raiko asserted.

Tenzin, stroking his beard, added, "I don't think launching an attack is the right move. She hasn't shown any aggression toward the United Republic yet."

"Not yet." Lin interjected. "But Kuvira can't be trusted. She told us that she was going to turn over power and she didn't. I'm with Raiko. I say we go on the offensive and start by retaking Zaofu."

Suddenly, the meeting room door burst open, and Korra and Opal entered. "President Raiko, I'm sorry to interrupt, but..." Korra observed the intense discussion and appeared surprised. "What's going on here?"

Wu leaned nonchalantly back in his chair, adopting a casual demeanor. "Oh, hey, Avatar Korra. Just kickin' it world leader-style, trying to figure out what to do about Kuvira. For the record, I told Raiko he should've invited you."

Raiko glared briefly at Wu before shifting his gaze to the right, where Korra had entered the room.

Irritated, Korra remarked, "You invited him," gesturing to Wu. "But not me?" She then directed her attention to Fara. "And Fara? She's not interested in this stuff! She finds these meetings boring. She never listens!"

"Hey!" Fara exclaimed in protest.

"Please, Korra, it's not personal. We just thought, perhaps we called you back into action a little too soon," Tenzin explained.

"Again, him, not me?!" Korra responded, expressing her frustration.

Raiko rose in frustration. "Korra, we're in the middle of a meeting and we can't have people just barge in whenever they want!"

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