Chapter 13-Turning the Tides

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I sit up from my bed and slowly make way towards my parents room, where I discover my family all sleeping together.

I make myself comfortable, opening the sheets and sliding in with them. Ikki swishes around as she topples on top of me.

The next morning, when I had woken up, nobody was in bed.

I approached the dining hall to discover everyone eating lunch.

"Guess who finally decided to wake up," Lin smears.

"It's noon, Fara."

"I'm surprised you're even up, due to-"

"Fara!" Mom scolds.

"It's okay, Pema." Korra says slurping her meal. "I'm finally starting to feel like myself again."

"We're just so thankful you're home safe." Mom says collecting everyone's bowls.

Asami quickly gets on her feet. "Let me help." She says walking into the kitchen with mom.

I sat beside Bolin. "Nice pajamas."

"Thanks," I reply. "They're an old boyfriend of mine."

"Old what?" Dad exclaims.

"You've had a boyfriend? Not that I'm surprised, because you are a very attractive girl, I mean woman, why would you not have had a boyfriend?" Bolin rambles.

"They dated for like 3 weeks," Korra giggles. "You do not want to know who it is."

"He wasn't that bad." I lowly scold.

"Well, I do-" Mako is cut off by my dad as he glares at the two brothers showing interest towards his daughter.

"Korra, I realize you've been through a lot, but I need to know everything that happened."

Korra begins to explain. "Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son."

Lin and my father's face are agape. "It all makes sense now. That's how Tarrlok was able to bloodbend us without a full moon."

"But how did you escape?" Dad asks. "And where's Tarrlok?"

"Amon captured him and took his bending." Korra answers.


"Yeah, he showed up out of nowhere. He almost got me too."

Dad's voice gets low. "This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a councilman, almost capturing the Avatar. I fear Amon is entering his end game."

"I've also ran into Amon once." I lowly say, eating a dumpling.

"You have?" Dad questions.

Korra raises her voice. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Did you have creepy nightmare about him too?" Bolin asks covering his mouth.

"I didn't say anything because it was pointless, he didn't take my bending away. It was the day of the tournament finals. He was up with me on the top of the locker room. All he said was that I was very special and his precious and he would be saving me for later."

Dad turns away. "I won't allow that man to get close to my family."

"Why didn't you say anything, kid?" Lin asks.

"What were you supposed to do?" I question. "It was just a small run in and you all had other important things to deal with." I get up from my seat and walk off into the kitchen joining Asami and my mom.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey baby," mom greets, hugging me. "Are you alright, you've been sleeping forever."

"Yeah, just a little headache, but I'm fine."

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