24 ✨🪭 Her anchor in this sea of turmoil

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24 ✨🪭 Her anchor in this sea of turmoil

Woooohoooo.... The story is in 9k reads  and about 886 votes we are always behind in votes but slowly and steadily wewillreach. I hope.

But but but!

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#5 in dramatic out of 7.03k books we love drama the story is pretty dramatic.
#15 in Asian out of 2.73k books.
#7  in yours out of 994 books.
#70 in arranged out of 5.5k books
#24 in killing out of  12.2k books.

So before you start give your votes 💕give  this chapter and the previous chapters if you haven't already.

Now  in asmr whispers......sit 🪑 back relax and enjoy kinda big chapter 2500+ words. I love you, you beautiful human💕🌸






Palace of Rana.

Indu stood on the precipice of her fate, her heart pounding in her chest. The grand hall was hushed, and the air thick with anticipation. The chandeliers overhead cast a golden glow, illuminating the faces of the courtiers, their eyes wide and mouths agape.

"I'm ready," Indu declared, her voice unwavering. She said, and now that the words hung in the air, they felt weightier than any crown.

Ivaan stood across from her. His reputation preceded him -  a man of iron will, merciless in battle, and unyielding in his demands. His eyes bore into hers, assessing her resolve. The agreement had been unexpected.

"I-I will marry you," Indu continued, her voice faltering only slightly.

The courtiers gasped. Whispers rippled through the crowd like a gathering storm. Anya, stood at the edge of the dais, her eyes wide with disbelief. Anya had always been the pragmatic one, the voice of reason. She had pleaded with Indu not to take this path, not to bind herself to a man who she didn't like.

"Indu, no!" Anya's voice cracked. "Think about what you're doing. You can't save our brother by sacrificing yourself. I can't lose one of you to save the other, not me, not our Kingdom."

But Indu's decision was made. She had weighed the consequences-the pain of a loveless marriage—against the agony of losing her brother. She would bear the chains of matrimony if it meant sparing him.

Ivaan's expression remained inscrutable. He stepped forward, closing the distance between them, his hand moving ahead of him, reaching for her. The court held its breath.

Anya sprang into action, her instincts kicking in as she noticed Ivaan moving closer to Indu. With a protective sweep, she pulled her sister back, placing herself between them. Ivaan's hand hovered in the air, perhaps meant to offer comfort to Indu's tear-streaked face, but Anya's tolerance had reached its limit.

She knew the value Indu placed on her liberty, and the thought of her sister trading it for even the most gilded of cages was unthinkable. It would mean watching Indu fade into a shadow of herself. Remembering all that Indu had been through, Anya's determination was unshakeable; she would not allow her sister to face any more pain or loss.

In the dimly lit chambers of the royal palace, Anya, with eyes brimming with unshed tears, faced her younger sister, Indu.

The weight of the kingdom's fate hung heavily in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to suffocate the very breath from their lungs."Indu," Anya began, her voice a mere whisper, yet laden with a strength born of desperation, "How can you do this? A loveless marriage is a life sentence to prison without bars. Arjun would never forgive himself if you sacrificed your happiness for his sake."

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