9 ✨🪭 Befriending and Betrayal

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Chapter 9 : Befriending and Betrayal

Remy Sol moon

#51 in medieval
#1 in hating

Oh my God ✨✨✨✨ Thank you so much for the interest feel free to comment your question I would love to answer.

I was in a creative grind and here's a 3k words chapter actually I spilt into two chapters as it was reaching about 6k , i will update the second half later

Please find a action filled chapter.


Ivaan walked back to the tent, feeling restless and confused. He had just seen the most beautiful girl in his life, and he couldn't get her out of his mind. He wondered who she was, where she came from, and if he would ever see her again.

He entered the tent, where Nimit and Varun were still sleeping soundly. He had gone to the mirror festival, a celebration of art and culture, to have some fun and enjoy the sights, to cool down a bit he had seen many amazing things, but nothing compared to what Ivaan had seen.

He lay down on his sleeping bedding, trying to close his eyes and sleep. But every time he did, he saw her face in his mind. He remembered how she looked through the mirror, how her eyes had sparkled with curiosity and mischief, how her smile had made his heart skip a beat.

He wished he had talked to her, asked her name, or at least said hello. But he had been to stunned. He had just stood there, staring at her, until she had turned away and disappeared into the crowd.

He wondered if he would ever get another chance, or if he had lost her forever. He felt a pang of regret and longing, mixed with a faint hope. No he regained his focus they were her for a mission and for that he had to be at his best tomorrow and get some shut eyes before tomorrow.

He tossed and turned, unable to sleep, unable to forget. He kept thinking about the girl he saw at the mirror festival, the girl who had captured his heart in a single glance.


In the Nanda Palace

Indu and Anya returned to the palace, after the mirror festival. They had left the lakeside in a hurry, avoiding the curious and fearful glances of the people. They had taken a carriage, and asked the driver to take them to the back entrance of the palace, where they could enter without being noticed. As it seemed not just. Nayan but people around had also heard about this and teh whispers started.

They reached their room, and locked the door behind them.

Indu took off her outer cloak, and threw it on the bed. She looked at Anya, who was still wearing hers, and holding it tightly around her. She looked pale and shaken.

Indu walked over to her, and took her hand. She said, "Anya, my sister, do not let the priest's words trouble you so much. He is not a seer, he is a storyteller. He tells tales to entertain and frighten the people, not to reveal the truth."

Anya shook her head, and said, "But what if he is right? What if I am destined to cause a war? What if I bring ruin to our kingdom and our family?"

Anya had always recieved oppositions even in the own kingdom where some ministers didn't like to hear a Woman's opinion and said hurtful things to her Father the King as to how blind he was about letting his love for children take over him but in reality Anya had to go through the same trials and tests the ministers in the court had to, even more harder if possible.

It had shaken her up , breaching her insecurities.

Indu hugged her, and said, "That is not your destiny, Anya. That is his imagination. Fate is not something written on stone, it changes its direction like a flowing lake. You have the power to shape your own future, with your choices and actions."

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