17 ✨🪭 The Devil's Plan

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17 ✨🪭 The Devil's Plan

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Palace of Virata

Queen Madhavi slammed her fist on the window, shattering the glass vase that held the roses she had plucked from the garden

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Queen Madhavi slammed her fist on the window, shattering the glass vase that held the roses she had plucked from the garden. She had just received the news that her spy, who she had sent to kill Ivaan, the rightful heir of the kingdom of Virata, had been captured and was to execute him. She had hoped to eliminate the only obstacle between her son Zain and the throne, but now she had failed miserably.

She heard a knock on the door and quickly composed herself. She smoothed her hair and adjusted her crown, putting on a mask of calmness and grace. She opened the door and saw Ragini, the widowed sister of the king, standing there with a smile..

"Madhavi, my dear, I have some news for you," Ragini said, entering the room without waiting for an invitation. She glanced at the broken vase and the scattered petals, but said nothing. "I have just received a letter from our spy, the king of Nanda. He is looking for proposals of marriage for his daughter and that's exactly what we want for Zain. He will send the details."

Madhavi felt a surge of hope. She had been working with Ragini for a long time to secure this alliance, which would give Zain the support and a powerful kingdom of Nanda is just want we need.

With their combined forces, they could challenge Ivaan, who had just won a decisive victory over the Nanda and was on his way to claim the throne of Virata.

"That is wonderful news, Ragini. You have done well," Madhavi said, embracing her. "But we must act fast. Ivaan will not wait for us to make our move. He will try to win the hearts of the people and the nobles, and then he will have the crown."

"I know, I know. That is why I have another plan," Ragini said, lowering her voice. "A plan that will ensure that Ivaan never reaches Virata throne, Zain will come out as the most powerful with this alliance"

Madhavi looked at her with curiosity. "What is it?"

Ragini smiled wickedly. "You see,this can be our secret weapon. A weapon that no one knows about. A weapon that can negate every one of Ivaan's achievements without anyone suspecting us."

Madhavi leaned in, eager to hear more. "What is it?"

Ragini whispered in her ear, and Madhavi's eyes widened. She felt a chill run down her spine, but also a thrill of excitement. She nodded, agreeing to the plan.

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