Part 3

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"There's no way they'll cancel the games, they can't" I tell Flynn breaking the silence Before he could answer London and Roman walk in "All the messages everyone sent and the baby bomb Peeta dropped

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"There's no way they'll cancel the games, they can't" I tell Flynn breaking the silence
Before he could answer London and Roman walk in
"All the messages everyone sent and the baby bomb Peeta dropped. The games are still on" Roman tells us
"So for now, this is goodbye" he tells us
"We're a team, right?" London asks us and we nod
"We will be together again, this life or another" she tells us
"No, don't say that. I promise, we will be together again" I say as they both just smile
"I'm so proud of my Victors" London smiles and gives Flynn a hug 
"So proud" she says giving me a big hug

After she steps back she starts to cry
"Oh you two deserve so much better" she shakes her head
"Thank you London" I say trying not to cry myself
She grabs both of our hands
"I am truly sorry" she tells us then walks away

"Thank you Roman" Flynn says and they both hug
"For everything" Flynn adds
After they pull apart I look at Roman
"Any last advice?" I ask him
"Don't die" he tells me
Then we both pull each other into a hug
"Thank you for being there for me" I tell him
"Likewise" he smiles then walks away as well

"Flynn?" I ask breaking the silence
"Yeah Princess?" He asks me
"We're going to make it out. Both of us, just like we did the last time" I tell him
He just smiles at me before tapping the spot next to him
"Come here" he tells me and I lay down on his chest

"Remind me what's going to happen after the games" I tell him wanting to think about something good
"After we make it out of the game you and I are going to build a house in the forest together, maybe near a pond so we can go swimming whenever we want. We will be able to freely love each other, we will be able to finally be... us. You and I." He tells me
"Always and forever. That sounds nice" I smile
"It does doesn't it" he laughs

I felt my body start to fall asleep and my eyes start to close.
The very last second before my body gave out I heard Flynn speak one last time
"I love you princess" he whispers then my eyes fully close

I get lead through the building by two peacekeepers.
We walk into a hover craft as the peacekeeper speaks up
"Sit" he tells me and I do as told
He grabs my arm and shoots something into it.
"Your tracker" he says as I take a deep breath form the pain
Then the plane starts to move.

I stand on my mark waiting for the count down
"60 seconds to launch" I hear
I reach to feel the mockingjay pin under my sleeve.
'Breath Eve' I mumble to myself as I step inside the tube
"10 seconds to launch" I hear again
Then the video of my parents pop up.
I watch as they get beaten to the ground and shot.
I feel the tears pouring out of my eyes as I start to rise up.
I look at the ground to see the words
"Their blood is on your hands" it reads and I feel my knees almost buckle under me

I try to get my breathing under control as I see the light.
I squint my eyes as I reach the top.
I look around to see were surrounded by water. The tributes circled around, and the building in the middle.

"Let the 75th Hunger begin! May the odds ever be in your favor" they tell everyone
"Flynn?" I mumble trying to find him











Right when the alarm blares I dive head first into the water. Swimming with all of my might to get onto the platform.

Once I get there I look up to see a man just a few feet behind me also getting on.
I take off running as he follows behind me.

I grab a bow and arrow but I also grab a sword for extra protection.
I run up from behind Finnick seeing Kattnis holding her arrow at him. I see someone running at Kattnis from behind
"Duck" I tell her and she quickly listens.
I throw my sword hitting the man straight in the chest.
"Don't trust 1 and 2" I hear Finnick tell her as I grab my sword
"I'll take this side, you two hold them off. Look for Peeta and Flynn" I tell them both

I pull out an arrow and shoot it towards someone, they quickly dodge it jumping into the water.
"Evelyn! Mags found them, Flynn's over here" Finnick tells me and I take off running with him

I see Flynn fighting someone in the water, Finnick quickly jumps in to go help him as I hold my arrow up ready to fire.
I see the man take Flynn and him under water.

"Flynn?" I mumble not seeing any movement in the water
Then I see a body float up
"Flynn!" I yell not knowing if it was him or not
Just then Flynn comes up gasping for air.
I let out a happy sigh as he makes eye contact with me.
I look over to my left to see a pack of people there, waiting for us to make our move.

We all take off running into the forest, mags was on finnicks back as the rest of us followed.
"Kattnis go go go" I tell her as she was the last one
We all take off running not stopping, unsure if they were following us or not

"Ok hold up hold up" Finnick tells us
"Here you go" he tells mags
We all crouch down in the leaves, catching our breath
"God it's hot. We gotta find fresh water" Peeta tells us
Then we hear a cannon go off, then another one
"Well I guess we're not holding hands anymore" Finnick laughs
"Not the time Finnick" I mumble rolling my eyes
"You think that's funny?" Kattnis asks him
"Every time that cannon goes off it's music to my ears. I don't care about any of them" he tells her
"Good to hear" Kattnis says taking out her machete
"You want to face the career pack alone? What would haymitch say?" He asks her
"Hatmitch isn't here" she tells him
"Oh we're just one big happy family aren't we" I say standing up
"Let's keep moving" Flynn tells them as he stand up as well

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