Part 1

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Flynn, Roman and I walk through the crowd as the peacekeepers surrounded us

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Flynn, Roman and I walk through the crowd as the peacekeepers surrounded us.

As we start to reach the stairs the lady on the mic speaks up
"Welcome, welcome" she says as we take our spots
"As we celebrate the 75th anniversary and 3rd quarter quell of the hunger games. As always... ladies first" she says and I can hear the sadness in her voice

She reaches into the bowl that only has one name in it.
"The female tribute from district 12... Evelyn Lily" she says as I let a single tear fall from my eye

I walk up next to her trying not to burst into tears.
"Wonderful" she says trying to sound happy
"And now for the men" she says
"The male tribute from district 12.... Roman Selfwonder" she says almost gasping
"I volunteer as tribute" Flynn says but Roman grabs his arm
"I can't let you do that" he says
"You can't stop me" Flynn tells him
"Flynn" Roman almost begs
"Let go" he tells him
Then Flynn walks up to stand in the middle with me
"Very well" the lady says
"The tributes from district 12... Evelyn Lily and Flynn Dawson" she says
"Well all that remains is..." she starts to say but we see someone lift up three fingers

One by one everyone raises their hand.
I look at Flynn before we both raise ours.
Quickly the peacekeepers grab Flynn and I
I let one last tear fall as they take us to the train.

"Now listen, everything will be different. Because it's a quarter quell. The Capitol has spared no expense. A new training center, new tribute living quarters. And of course, a very special arena. But this year you'll be facing other victors, Capitol favorites. Smart, cunning, skilled. And you know them all." London tells us
"Alright let's go over the tributes" Roman says turning on the TV

"Cashmere and Gloss. Brother and sister district 1. They won back to back games. Captol favorites. Lots of sponsors. They will be lethal" Roman says
"And the other half of the Career pack, Brutus and Enobaria. She had her teeth filed into fangs so she could rip people's throats out." He says
"Wiress and Beetee. Not fighters but brilliant. And weird. Real tech-savvy. He won his games by electrocuting 6 tributes at once." He tells us
"The Morphlings. Masters of camouflage. Basically, won their games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self-medicating ever since. Which I applaud, not a threat" Roman tells us
"Finnick Odair" I say as he switches the screen
"Sent me and Camilla a package along with you" I tell him
"That's right, won his games at 14, was the youngest to ever win until you came along. The Capitol darling, they love him here. Charming, smart, and very skilled at combat. Especially in water. His weakness, mags. She volunteered for Annie. Mags was his mentor and basically raised him. He will be protecting her with his life" Roman tells us
"Roman! They already know everyone. Right now it's time to get them ready" London says walking in
"Fine" Roman says rolling his eyes

"Makeup first as always" London smiles

(Gold eyes but the right of the fact natural)

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(Gold eyes but the right of the fact natural)

"Go change then we will fix your hair" London smiles pushing me into the closest to change

"Go change then we will fix your hair" London smiles pushing me into the closest to change

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(The dress)

"London the dress is beautiful" I say as I walk out
"We are just half way done" she smiles

"London the dress is beautiful" I say as I walk out "We are just half way done" she smiles

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(Hair but with gold sparkles in it as well)

"Last thing" London says walking out
She comes back with something gold in her hands
"Turn around" she says as she holding it up
She helps me put it on and pulls a mirror up so I could see

"Last thing" London says walking out She comes back with something gold in her hands "Turn around" she says as she holding it up She helps me put it on and pulls a mirror up so I could see

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(Like a jacket almost)

"London, it's beautiful" I smile
"Well a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl" she smiles
"Let's hope Snow likes what it represents" she smirks

I walk out to my chariot, looking at all of the tributes as I pass
I stand on front of the horse rubbing its head.
"How did we get here?" I mumble
"Evelyn!" I hear someone say
I turn around to see an all to familiar face
"Finnick" I smile
"Want a sugar cube?" He asks holding it up
"Yeah actually, give it here" I roll my eyes taking it from him and throwing it in my mouth.
"You ruined what I was going to say" he tells me
"How have you been?" I ask him rolling my eyes at his comment
"I've been better" he tells me
"You?" He asks
"Didn't think I could be any worse until Snow announced this" I tell him but he doesn't answer, instead he looks over my shoulder. I turn to see he was staring at Kattnis
"You gonna go talk to her?" I ask him
"Yep" he says popping the p then walking off

Flynn and I both get up on our chariot.
"Remember, you have a part to play. Smile, wave. Got it?" London asks us
"Got it" we both nod
Then she hands me a button
"Press this when you're ready" she tells me and I just nod

We start to move as Flynn grabs my hand. I look at our hands before looking at him again. We both smile at each other before turning to the crowd as they cheer
"Here they come! District 12 our favorite!" We hear Caesar yell

I look around at the people with their drums and all the flags of the Capitol.
We start to get closer to Snow and when we do I make eye contact with him.

I press the button London had given me and I feel the feathers on my back start to lift up like wings.
I see Snow smirk when he sees it, as we also hear Caesar over the mic
"There it is!!" He cheers

I hear the crowd cheer different names and then they start to cheer mine.
"Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn!!" They cheer over and over again as we pass
We pass Snow and I keep eye contact with him for as long as I could.

Once we get off we're met with London and Roman.
"Good job, way to make friends out there" Roman tells us
"Now let's go clean up and talk about the rest of the tributes" Roman says as we walk off

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