Part 7

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The sun was starting to set again when we hear a sound and film pop up in the sky

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The sun was starting to set again when we hear a sound and film pop up in the sky.
It starts to show a picture of each tribute who had died.

One by one they showed. I don't breathe as the ones I killed popped up.
I don't take my eyes off of the screen begging it not to show Flynn.

And thankfully the screen fades away with no sign of Flynn. He's still alive.
"Alright up the tree we go" I tell Camilla
"I'm taking first shift" Camilla says
"No I'll-" I start to say
"Evelyn you didn't sleep at all last night and I know you barely slept the night before. You need rest" she tells me
"Fine. But you wake me up if you hear anything ok?" I tell her
"I will now go to sleep" she smiles
I give her a small smile before closing my eyes

My dreams were soon filled with nightmares.
I relive watching my parents die, I relive killing the tributes one by one. Finally my body had enough and I jump awake

I let out a small gasp as I put my head in my heads
"You ok?" Camilla asks me
I look up at her
"Evelyn you're sweating" she tells me grabbing her bag to get some water. She gives me the water and I don't hesitate to drink some
"Dreams?" She asks me
"Nightmares, definitely not dreams" I mumble
"I'll go ahead and take over" I tell her
"Eve you only slept for 3 hours" she tells me
"3? Never mind it's fine. I'll be ok" I tell her
"Eve-" she starts to say
"Camilla I'm not going back to sleep. I'm not seeing that again. So you either stay up with me or get some rest" I tell her
"Ok" she sighs knowing I was right

After a while I start to think about who's left.

There's 24 tributes.
6 gone from me, 18 left.
6 other cannons went off, 12 people left.
Camilla, Flynn and I brings it down to 9.

"I can do this I can do this" I mumble to myself
"Come on Eve become numb for goodness sake please" I mumble to myself lightly hitting my head with my hands.
Before I knew it tears were flowing out of my eyes
"Stop stop stop" I mumble to myself
"Do it for your parents, for Flynn, for Camilla" I mumble to myself
"Do it for yourself" I cry silently

The sun slowly starts to rise and Camilla starts to wake up.
Just as she starts to fully wake up we hear a loud ringing noise, we both look up to see a small package floating down.

I grab it before it can float down below us, I look at Camilla before slowly opening it. It has some water, food, and a note

I open the note and read it
'Don't let them put out the fire- Roman.
14 is the youngest winner, I believe you can beat that- Finnick'

"No way" I mumble almost chuckling some
"What?" Camilla asks me
"We totally just got a note from Finnick" I tell her
"No way" she mumbles and moves over to look. But just as she did we hear voices and people walking through leaves.
"I know someones over here" one boy says
"We heard a beeping noise dude it could've been anything. It also could've been a trap! Ever think of that, probably not" a girl tells him

"We need to go, now" I whisper to Camilla
"Yep" she says as she starts to climb down
I softly jump down, then Camilla jumps down stepping on a twig
She looks up at me in horror

"We heard you! You can't run!" The guy yells
"Come out come out wherever you are" I hear different guy say

"What do we do?" Camilla whispers
"We can't out run them" I tell her
She just nods understanding what I meant
We both slowly set our bags down and grab our weapons
We reach walk out from behind the tree

"Well if it isn't the capitol's favorite" one of the boys says
"Well let's get this over with" the girl says
"We want little miss famous" one of the guys tells the girl.

I look at Camilla before slightly nodding.
Before I knew it one of the boys throws his spear at me. I dodge it quickly and it hits the tree behind me
"Not today" I mumble before running at them

I fight both of the boys at the same time, taking a few hits here and there. They were fast but their weapons were slowing them down.

"Might as well let us kill you now" one of the boys tells me
"I think id rather live a little longer" I mumble before attacking him

I slide on the ground slicing one of the boys leg before throwing my knife at the other one. Hitting him directly in the heart


"No!!" The boy yells charging at me
His movements were a lot quicker this time. He knocks my sword out of my hand.
He jumps at me with his knife, I quickly grab his hand and push it down and grab my knife with my other hand

As we fall to the ground I feel a sharp pain. A gasp escapes my mouth.
"Eve!!" I hear Camilla yell and she comes into my sight
She pushes the boy off of me and that's when I realize my knife went into his neck.


"Eve" Camilla gasps
And then another pain shoots through my body. I look down to see his knife went into my stomach.
"Oh God" I groan out
Camilla runs to my side
"This is going to hurt" she mumbles pulling out the knife
I do everything in my power to not let out a scream
She rips off some of the boys shirt and pushes it on my stomach.
"Eve I need you to push down on this ok? We need to stop the bleeding" she tells me
I give her a slight nod and push down.

She runs over and grabs our bags
She sets them down next to me and grabs the bandages.
She starts to wrap me up getting the bleeding to stop
"Thank goodness I learned how to do this" she mumbles to herself
"Yeah thank goodness" I groan back

After a few more minutes it's completely wrapped up
"Can you stand?" She asks me
"Yeah I'll be ok" I mumble

As I stand up I hear 2 more cannons go off.
We watch as the tributes faces pop up again.
5 people come up one by one. Flynn not being one of them.
"How many more are left?" She asks me
"7. Counting you, Flynn and I. Meaning 4 other people are alive that we can't trust." I tell her

We start walking when we hear a scream not to far off
Then a cannon goes off.
"Please don't be Flynn" I mumble as I take off running towards the scream
"Eve!" Camilla yells after me

Once I get there I see Flynn on the ground and a boy standing over him.
I reach for my knife in my pocket but I don't feel it. I put it in my bag. Camilla has my bag.
The boy rears back his machete in his hands
"No!!" I scream sprinting over and tackling him to the ground

I hold the boy to the ground and look back for a second to check on Flynn. He's unconscious, not dead. I can see him breathing.

While I was distracted the boy flips me over and jumps on top of me.
He tries to stab the knife in my neck as I hold him back. It slowly starts to sink into my skin.

"Eve!" I hear Camilla yell as she runs up
I look at her from the ground and everything seemed to go in slow motion

I watched as a knife was thrown through the air.

Hitting Camilla straight in the chest.

She stares at me, the color from her face draining with every passing second

Then she collapses.

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