The Fog of War

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n the haze of battle, shadows dance,

Obscuring truth, blurring lines of right and wrong.

The fog of war descends like a heavy shroud,

Veiling the horrors, masking the pain.

Soldiers march through the mist, hearts heavy,

Their faces etched with uncertainty and fear.

In the silence of the battlefield, echoes of gunfire

Reverberate like a haunting melody.

In the midst of chaos, a flicker of humanity,

A hand extended in solidarity, a voice raised in hope.

Through the fog of war, glimmers of compassion shine,

Guiding lost souls back to the light.

The fog may linger, the scars may remain,

But amidst the wreckage, seeds of peace are sown.

In the heart of darkness, a beacon of love,

A promise of a brighter tomorrow, rising above.

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