Last Dance

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In the hushed corners of their shared world,

they move like shadows,

two figures entwined in a dance

that has spanned the ages.

Her breath is a whisper,

a fragile echo of the laughter

that once filled their days.

He guides her with a steady hand,

a silent sentinel watching

as she drifts further

from the shores of consciousness.

Their dance is a silent elegy,

a farewell etched in the spaces

between their fading footsteps.

With each gentle turn,

he feels her slipping away,

like sand through his fingers,

like water slipping through

the cracks in their shared memories.

Yet still, he holds on,

clinging to the hope

that somehow, someway,

they'll find their way back

to each other's arms.

Their dance is a testament

to the strength of their bond,

to the resilience of the human spirit

in the face of inescapable loss.

And as the music fades

into the stillness of the night,

they continue to move,

together and apart,

in a dance that will last

long after the final curtain falls.

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