Happy Birthday

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On this day, a quiet melancholy descends,
A solemn whisper amidst the celebratory noise.
Balloons hang heavy with the weight of years,
Each breath a reminder of moments lost.

Candles flicker, casting shadows on the passage of time,
A somber dance in the fading light.
The cake, a symbol of fleeting joy,
Its sweetness a transient taste on weary tongues.

Faces gather, masked in obligatory smiles,
Yet eyes betray the unspoken sorrows.
Congratulations echo like distant thunder,
A reminder of expectations unmet.

In the midst of laughter, a silent sigh,
A reflection of dreams that slipped away.
Beneath the surface of well-wishing,
Lies a river of unsung laments.

Happy birthday, a phrase worn thin,
A ritual chant, devoid of genuine cheer.
The day unfolds, a somber tableau,
A painting of muted hues, devoid of vibrancy.

Amidst the balloons and confetti,
Lies a longing, unspoken and heavy.
Happy birthday, whispered with a heavy heart,
For in celebration, there exists a subtle art.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora