Missing You At Christmas

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In the quiet hush of each passing day,
A void echoes where your laughter once danced,
Leaving behind an absence that tugs at my core,
The warmth of Summer fades, memories stripped of their glow,
Much like the barren landscape bereft of Christmas snow.

Words, restless birds trapped within my chest,
Yearn to take flight, to traverse the expanse of time,
How I long to share the stories of this transformed life,
Where each day witnesses the shift since you slipped away.

Gone is the bond that once tethered us,
A thread severed by the hands of fate,
I find myself adrift, yearning for your guiding light,
The support that buoyed me through life's storms.

Amidst the melancholy that envelops my days,
Your memory remains a guiding beacon,
Illuminating the shadows, igniting a flicker of hope,
Woven into the fabric of my existence.

As stars twinkle in the velvet night sky,
I seek solace in their silent vigil,
Searching for your spirit among their celestial dance,
For even in the vast expanse, your essence lingers.

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