Fleeting Flight

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In the garden's tender breath, they dance,
Butterflies, ephemeral whispers of color,
Born of the sun's gentle caress,
And the sweet nectar of blossoming dreams.

They flutter, delicate messengers of grace,
Each wing a canvas of painted skies,
Brushstrokes of joy and sorrow,
Tales woven in iridescent threads.

In their fleeting flight, they embody freedom,
A fragile elegance unfurling in the breeze,
Carrying whispers of forgotten songs,
And the secrets of forgotten worlds.

They kiss the petals with soft whispers,
Embracing the blooms with silent reverence,
A ballet of beauty in the fabric of time,
A fleeting glimpse of eternity's embrace.

Butterflies, guardians of the fleeting moment,
Teaching us to savor the sweetness of now,
For in their delicate dance, we find
The essence of life's eternal flow.

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