Chapter 217 - 218

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This time, the guest judge for the selection is a solo female singer who debuted many years ago through a talent show and has sung many well-known theme songs for movies and TV shows. She is a veteran in the industry.

During the interval while waiting for the online voting to end, the host engaged in a lively conversation with the guest judge of this round. While keeping the atmosphere active, the host also "understood" and helped promote the guest judge's new album.

Making appearances on various variety shows when releasing new songs and "incidentally" promoting them is already considered routine, so the audience wasn't particularly surprised.

"Online voting has ended." Time flew by quickly, and the host took the cue card handed to him by the staff and announced, "Now, let's reveal the results of the fourth round."

"The fifth place."

[Will the sixth place still be announced last? (Although I know it's for suspense, it's always hard to bear)]

[The suffocation moment, reminds me of the moment when the homeroom teacher entered the classroom holding the exam papers [childhood trauma.jpg]]

Each group awaited the results quietly.

The host took a deep breath, showing a regretful expression. "1billion."

Actually, judging by the audience's reaction, 1billion was somewhat aware of their misjudgment. Being a slow song, their song type was overshadowed by the more captivating performance of Infinite9. BreezeAy and 4seven also performed exceptionally well.

Regardless of the outcome, they would accept it calmly. Their goal remained at the top.

The camera panned to the fans holding up 1billion light boards. The girls suppressed their surging tears for a moment and raised the light boards toward the camera.

Upon seeing the fans crying and holding up the light boards on the big screen, 1billion bowed deeply in all directions of the audience.

[Sniff, you've already done great]

[Votes don't represent everything. 1billion will always be the champion in my heart!!]

[My tears are worthless 55555]

Yao Chen held the microphone with a smile on his face, with a hint of regret in his expression that couldn't be concealed. However, he spoke candidly and cheerfully, "Thank you to all the fans and audience who voted for us. We don't regret coming to this show. Perhaps there are regrets, but we also enjoyed the process. This month of constantly preparing for the stage and giving our all in performances has been a meaningful journey."

"Although we bid farewell here, we will meet again soon on a brand new stage."

Yao Chen paused for a moment, his bright smile unchanged. He slightly raised his face to suppress something moist. Gu Zhuoyi placed his hand on Yao Chen's shoulder. Yao Chen exhaled deeply, smiling at the camera. "To all those who have always supported 1billion, let's continue to accompany each other in the future! For those who have come to like 1billion through this show, I hope we can warm each other's futures."

[Yao Chen is killing me 555555]

[I became a fan of 1billion through this show!! Even though the show is over, I'm happy to have liked you through the intense excitement, and I will continue to support you!]

[I must attend 1billion's concert next year!!!]

[Sniff, we're not saying goodbye. After the show, I'll be a die-hard fan]

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