Chapter 40

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Ji Yan paced back and forth at the entrance of the practice room, feeling a bit uneasy. When Lu Xi chased after him just now, his expression was not good. He had instructed him not to let the staff follow, so he didn't say anything either.

Qin Lu and Lu Xi had been out for a while. Ji Yan and Wang Qing were a bit worried and were already thinking about how to comfort Lu Xi when he returned—

But to their surprise, Lu Xi came back with Qin Lu, chatting and laughing.

When he left, his face was gloomy, but now he looked refreshed.

Wang Qing and Ji Yan exchanged glances, both seeing confusion in each other's eyes: What had happened?

The cameraman was recording, but neither of them asked, and they both relaxed instantly.

It's all right then.

During the afternoon training, it was more obvious that Lu Xi's mood had improved. There were more smiles than yesterday, and he was more patient when guiding the exercises.

The difficulty of the song itself lies not in the melody and lyrics, but in its interpretation.

By now, everyone had practiced their assigned parts and could sing them proficiently. However, the problem lay in simply singing it; completing it did not necessarily convey the core of the song or evoke emotions in the audience.

"Wind Guiding the Way" is not just a simple sentimental song; it intertwines memories with reality, telling the story of constantly breaking free from constraints and struggles, passing through confusion and hesitation to run towards an unknown future.

Young and ignorant yet fearless, having nothing but being free.

But on the journey, there were many obstacles and setbacks. Despair and loss attempted to entangle those moving forward, dragging them into the mud. They were urged to live in a haze of failure, never to be heroes again. The whisper of Pandora murmured softly, saying that people were inherently ordinary.

Are people inherently ordinary? Of course not.

There must always be a ray of sunlight breaking through the darkness. Being ordinary does not mean being mediocre; brilliance comes from decay.

What one must do is to stick to one's original intentions, not fear gossip, and not dread failure.

The tone of the song in the early stages is uneasy and struggling, filled with self-doubt after being repeatedly defeated by reality, hesitating whether to choose to give up.

The interlude is when the thick fog shrouding the road ahead is broken by hope, the inner turmoil subsides, leaving only a stubborn and tenacious belief.

In the climax part, the rhythm of the song accelerates, the emotions rise, breaking through the boundless darkness with an unstoppable momentum, letting the wind blow away all the burdens and past grievances, rushing past the final finish line, embracing the freely burning soul.

Life is like a chess game where every move is made without regret, and the player is oneself. Every grid on the board is a choice, seemingly everywhere is a deadlock, and every step is a shackle. But looking at it from another perspective, on the chessboard, there is nowhere one cannot go, and nowhere one cannot live.

No matter how difficult the situation is, there is always a way out, always a possibility of turning the tables.

To win, one must not stand still.

The original singer is a singer close to his forties, with a lot of experience and depth. He is a well-known veteran singer in the music industry. This song is his own composition, telling his own life experience. He has experienced a period of hardship and despair, from being at the end of his tether to turning his life around, which is quite similar to the process of rebirth, giving him a lot of insights and enlightenment.

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