Chapter 26

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On the day of the signing event, accidentally bumping into the girl with the bun hairstyle, Qing Qing glanced at the time, and the hands of the clock were already pointing to eight o'clock.

For some reason, ever since that day, Qing Qing couldn't help but recall the way the other person turned to smile at her, the pleasant voice coming from nearby, softly saying, "It's okay."

The eyes that slightly drooped as she looked at her were a beautiful amber color.

Qing Qing looked up at the 4seven poster on the wall, struggling in her heart. On one hand, she felt she shouldn't be looking at other idols, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but want to see what the boy would say and do on the show.

What would his dance be like? Would his singing be beautiful? Would there be many or few camera shots of him? What if she didn't vote for him... what if her few votes made the difference for his debut?

In the midst of this internal struggle, Qing Qing secretly followed the official Weibo of "Infinite Youth" with a secondary account, checking the homepage every day for updates. She even became a member to vote three times for Qin Lu. Each time she looked at the mini standee of An Ming sent with the merchandise, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She had never thought she would climb the wall like this. Although she never blamed her friends who used to be good at fandoms and then became fans of other idols, Qing Qing always felt she was more loyal and sincere, able to accompany her brothers for longer.

But now, Qing Qing looked at the clock on the wall, buried her head in the soft plush bear on the meter-high wall for two minutes, and decided to follow her heart and take a peek at "Infinite Youth"... just a peek!

Her eyes sparkled as she opened the online streaming platform. Since the platform promoted variety shows, the main interface displayed the posters of the four mentors, and clicking in would reveal the title of the first episode.

Qing Qing felt a little nervous for some reason. Holding her breath, she clicked in and immediately checked the progress bar: 135 minutes.

Wow, the first episode is two hours long!

Feeling somewhat happy, Qing Qing excitedly skipped the advertisements in the beginning. The first person to appear on the screen was the producer, Cui Zhihao. She wasn't very familiar with the actor circle, but she had watched a few of his popular dramas. The atmosphere rendered in the later stages of the program was excellent, and Cui Zhihao's acting skills were commendable. As he talked about the process of the trainees preparing for their debut, Qing Qing couldn't help but feel her blood boil along with him.

The part where the trainees chose their seats was amusing for Qing Qing, but she was still focused on when Qin Lu would appear.

Unfortunately, to her disappointment, after waiting for a long time, she found that the part where Qin Lu chose his seat had been cut.

Qing Qing cursed the editor in her heart for a long time, until she saw the familiar black-haired trainee walking to the stage in the evaluation section. She forgot her previous frustration and watched the program intently.

The later part was somewhat conscience, giving Qin Lu's part a decent length. Qing Qing watched the whole thing without skipping, then couldn't help but drag the progress bar back to watch it again.

Qin Lu in the camera was as handsome as in real life, with delicate and three-dimensional features, a soft jawline, and fine, soft black hair.

He sang a song solo, a melody Qing Qing had never heard before.

The slender yet straight-backed boy stood in the center of the glass stage, the bright lights gently enveloping him. When he sang quietly with closed eyes, it seemed as if all worries had momentarily drifted away from him.

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