Chapter 69

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The huge traffic brought by the trending topic attracted many people out of curiosity to catch up on the show "Infinite Youth."

Not only did the show's viewership skyrocket, but also Qin Lu's performance footage views surged.

The direct footage views, which were originally not much different from those of high-ranking trainees like Liao Junchen, saw a noticeable increase every hour.

Due to curiosity about Lu Xi's relationship with Qin Lu, many bystanders skipped the previous episodes and started watching from the episode where Lu Xi appeared as a guest.

And Lu Xi's fans, originally thinking that their idol had a large fan base and there was a high possibility of fans being sucked away by trainees, many of them didn't plan to watch it, thinking that contributing to the viewership would only provide opportunities for others to steal fans.

Just two episodes as guest stars, it's fine not to watch or just watch the solo cuts on Bilibili!

So because of this mentality, many people had resisted for a long time. But after Lu Xi's Weibo post, fans couldn't help but be curious about what Lu Xi and Qin Lu's interactions were like, so they secretly caught up on the show.

...The result was that they found, oh my god, there's something going on between the seniors and juniors.

Qin Lu looks pretty handsome in that shot.

Oh oh oh, the scene where they smiled at each other is so awesome!!

It should be fine to sneakily check it out, right? Yeah, Lu Xi is still my favorite person, so I'll silently support him from the sidelines.

This was the mindset of Zhou Yitong.

She had been a fan of Lu Xi for almost two years. Before this, she usually changed her favorite idol every three months, but Lu Xi had become her longest-lasting favorite.

And this kind of long-lasting affection could be addictive, even bringing a sense of accomplishment. Especially after delving deep into the fandom, meeting a bunch of sisters who chased stars together on Weibo, it became even harder to quit being a fan.

Every day, she got used to seeing Lu Xi's photos and new schedules on her homepage, interacting with fans in Lu Xi's circle through private messages and comments. Naturally, she unknowingly started to like him for a longer time.

Previously, Zhou Yitong pursued stars solo, never paid attention to data on WeChat or checked in on fan groups on Weibo every day to send flowers on Baidu. But habit is a scary thing, and without realizing it, she found that she had been a fan for almost two years.

Although there wasn't a loud call to action on the homepage, the fans generally subtly pointed out the attitude of Lu Xi's fan circle—Lu Xi was just a guest star for two episodes, it's fine to just watch the cuts, don't contribute to the views of the main episodes.

Below, there were all agreeing replies, thinking that the contestants were all young "waves" and might threaten Lu Xi's position in the future. They couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't be tempted by fresh blood, charming strangers, so the best way to deal with it was not to watch.

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