Chapter 101

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On Weibo, fans of various debut groups were excitedly posting, celebrating their debut anniversary.

#QinLuCPositionDebut# and #Infinite9Debut# quickly became trending topics, shooting to the top of the trends list.

Even bystanders who didn't watch the show might be curious after seeing the debut announcements. So as the reading count skyrocketed, fans seized the opportunity to promote, posting beautiful pictures and videos to boost the trends.

While Qin Lu wasn't the only one with personal trends, his trend had the highest popularity, with far more posts and original content than others.

As for group trends, fans of other groups seized the opportunity to promote their idols in the comment sections of marketing accounts, sparking subtle conflicts.

While career fans were busy promoting, many casual fans were still stuck in the post-show disappointment.

With the debut rankings settled, no matter how much fans flooded Weibo with comments, the production team wouldn't respond or admit to any manipulation of votes. Even if they acknowledged the problem with the votes, it wouldn't change anything.

This also meant that if they couldn't become stronger in the future, Han Suyan might face similar situations. But if the fan base could continue to grow and stabilize, it would be the most advantageous support for Han Suyan.

The entertainment industry is a place where people are lifted up and brought down, more "materialistic" than any other industry. When not popular, there are many frustrating moments, but once popular, everyone, whether staff or seniors, becomes "good people."

The rational major fans of Han Suyan's group were the first to see through this. They urged angry casual fans not to do meaningless things anymore. Because even if they scolded the production team tonight or persisted in spamming the official account for a week or a month, it would be meaningless.

Many of Han Suyan's fans posted records of votes in the #Infinite9Debut# trend, providing evidence to denounce the production team for manipulating votes. The logic and data charts were clear, even bystanders could understand.

But it was useless.

Because even if bystanders saw it and thought, "Oh, so the production team manipulated the votes," they wouldn't feel much, at most just sighing that the entertainment industry is heartless, and that's the end of it.

Han Suyan wasn't popular enough.

Top-tier idols could trend for just changing their shoes, but Han Suyan's popularity was currently too low, and bystanders didn't care at all.

So going to spam the production team wouldn't raise Han Suyan's position, it would only affect the perception of casual viewers, making them think the fans were too aggressive.

As frustrating as it was, they had to endure it. Because even if they didn't, it wouldn't change anything. In front of capital, the anger of fans was insignificant because they had vulnerabilities.

Apart from Han Suyan's group feeling disappointed, the Liao Junchen's group, who didn't get the C position, was also deeply hurt tonight.

If they had given their all and still lost, they would feel regretful, but not this deeply defeated.

Despite their efforts in voting, completing various tasks to unlock support funds, and even raising a considerable amount of funds for voting under the guise of selling support goods, they still couldn't beat Qin Lu's group.

For the Liao Junchen's group, who had once won and experienced the C position, this frustration almost overshadowed the joy of their debut.

However, they could only vent their frustration in their own fan circles tonight because Qin Lu's group was happily busy stabilizing the trending topics and promoting, with no time for arguments.

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