Chapter 60

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In front of the performance venue, it was seven in the morning.

In the summer, the days were long, and with the early dawn, many fans rushed over early to set up the venue for support. They hurriedly took a few bites of sandwiches while gulping down coffee.

There were more people willing to help this time compared to before, so there was no need to stay up all night as they could take turns and rest well. One group would work while the other rested, making the workload more manageable.

Driven by their passion for their idols, they were more motivated to wake up early than for their usual school or work activities. When the alarm went off, they forced themselves to get up, fearing that they might not have enough time to finish everything.

The areas assigned by different fan groups were pre-booked by those who arrived earliest. Once Qin Lu's fans had secured the best position last time, this time it was Liao Junchen's turn to grab the spot. Therefore, Liao Junchen, who was in charge of securing the spot, arrived half a day early to claim the location previously used by Qin Lu's fans.

Although the two groups didn't see eye to eye, the territory was won fair and square by the other party, so Qin Lu's fans didn't say much. Both sides kept to themselves and got busy, too preoccupied with their own tasks to care about what the other side was thinking.

However, since the two groups were next to each other, they would secretly compare: whose flower wall was more beautiful and eye-catching, or whose standing sign was bigger and more prominent. They couldn't help but compete silently.

This time, with the sponsorship from a wealthy fan who recently joined Qin Lu's fanbase, the lineup was even more impressive than before. Not only were there customized two-meter pull-up banners, but also blue flags.

The banners displayed the support slogans fans had chosen for Qin Lu, intending to wave them together during the performance and record support videos to be posted on Weibo later.

As for the color choice of the flags, since Qin Lu hadn't explicitly stated his favorite color yet, it was temporarily decided by a fan vote. The fans thought Qin Lu might like blue.

When Qin Lu personally expressed his preference for a certain color in the future, they would change the color of the support items accordingly.

For now, Liao Junchen's fan group lacked wealthy fans who could contribute a lot financially. Due to restrictions on large-scale fundraising, only a few core fans privately pooled together some support funds. With many expenses to cover, they were feeling a bit stretched.

Therefore, when they saw the two-meter pull-up banners, Liao Junchen's fans, despite pretending to be indifferent with a "just this?" expression, were secretly envious to the point of tears.

The photos were hastily made by the graphic designers in the fan community overnight. They included candid shots from fan meetings, snapshots from variety shows, and meticulously edited images from TV programs, resulting in naturally beautiful visuals. This attracted Qin Lu's fans to come over for group photos.

"It looks so good, aww."

"Rounding up, it's like taking a photo with Lulu. Coming to the venue was totally worth it!"

The fans of both Liao Junchen and Qin Lu were busy arranging the venue and taking excited photos, while the trainees were leaving the hotel to head to the venue.

To avoid leaking their hairstyles in advance, most trainees wore hats and masks. Thirty or so people boarded the bus together, maintaining a swift pace.

Today was different from yesterday; the fans hadn't expected the trainees to return so early. They had thought they would return late and regretted missing them, so many people had woken up early and waited in the lobby.

However, contrary to their expectations, it took less than a minute for the trainees to get off the bus and head straight for the venue.

Some fans were seeing their favorite trainees in person for the first time, and their excitement knew no bounds. Despite fantasizing about this moment for a long time, when they finally saw Qin Lu getting off the bus, the fans couldn't help but scream.

Perhaps it was because he was wearing casual clothes, Qin Lu looked different from how he appeared on TV shows. The black hoodie covered part of his eyebrows and eyes. Whether it was due to the lighting or not, the fans seemed to catch a glimpse of a hint of blue among his black hair.

The cherry on top was that he was holding a box of strawberry milk and greeting them with a smile.

The fans were immediately overwhelmed by his cuteness.

"Good morning, Lu! Wow!"

"So Qin Lu likes strawberries! Next time you come out of the training base, Mom will send you a couple of boxes! "

"The hoodie looks so good! Super youthful!"

While the support for Qin Lu was carefully observed, when the staff asked them to enter the venue, he bowed to the fans and waved, saying, "See you later."

The fans waved back excitedly, temporarily bidding farewell.

"Baby, go for it!"

"Looking forward to the stage, aww!"

After all the trainees entered the venue, the staff led them to the backstage preparation area.

Due to the reduced number of participants, there was less time pressure on makeup and hair styling than the previous two times. Each team had its own makeup room for preparations.

Every stage costume was more thoughtful than the last. When they received their costumes, Fan Xi couldn't help but brighten up at the sight.

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