Chapter 113

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[Infinite9_Liao Junchen: Practicing dance all day feels great. Commemorating the teammate still doing exercises at midnight [Picture]]

The post was published around midnight. Upon opening the photo, one could see a person sitting in front of a wooden desk with their back to the camera. The cotton T-shirt they wore appeared to be a comfortable beige color. A neatly stacked pile of exercise books lay beside them, consisting of various practice books for subjects like Chinese, Math, and English, just like any high school student preparing for the college entrance exam.

One hand made a V sign in front of the camera, showcasing slender and elegant fingers that fans could immediately recognize as belonging to Liao Junchen.

Although neither of them showed their faces, the silhouette of Qin Lu was unmistakable, indicating that Liao Junchen had likely taken the photo on a whim.

Fans who had rushed to the post, either through special attention on Weibo or through the fan group, were initially excited. However, upon reading the content, Liao Junchen's fans felt a complex mix of emotions.

Although Liao Junchen didn't say anything, fans could perceive a significant point: Liao Junchen and Qin Lu had a very good relationship. If it were just a matter of the show, it could be attributed to editing or the script. But now, in the privacy of their dormitory, if this wasn't something Liao Junchen intended to share, it wouldn't be this type of photo.

If it were a company-assigned promotional task aimed at showcasing their good relationship, it wouldn't be at this time or from this casual angle. Liao Junchen wouldn't have posted it if he didn't want to. It might have been more obviously promotional, rather than this post.

It felt relaxed, simple, yet conveyed a comfortable atmosphere of everyday interaction.

The group variety show hadn't started yet, but this post from Liao Junchen, intentional or not, conveyed a message.

Qin Lu got along well with his teammates, and the lead didn't let the influence of film and television resources affect their private relationships.

Many people also noticed a blind spot: Liao Junchen and Qin Lu were roommates!

Although the group variety show was in preparation, the unintentionally revealed information was akin to a bombshell.

Liao Junchen's fans and Qin Lu's fans had been at odds, but the main leads actually had a good relationship.

However, different fans had different perspectives on this situation.

After a brief moment of stunned silence, Liao Junchen's fans began to react, focusing their comments and reposts solely on Liao Junchen, as if they were ignoring their teammates, who were the main subject of the post.

[Liao Junchen, you've made us proud V: Ahh, our baby posted! Why aren't you resting yet? Hope you're not letting outside influences affect your sleep [Laughing] Dance practice! That means a new stage, super excited!! We will always love you, only you [Happy]]

[Unnamed Kechen competitor V: Baby, your hand looks so nice!! I rushed over in a flash, Liao Liao, go to bed early, okay? You have to record "Happy Not NG" tomorrow! Looking forward to behind-the-scenes photos hehe, fighting for the recording!! You're the best——]

However, it's not possible for the Wei fans to change their attitude immediately just because of one post. Many fans knew that the main leads' relationship seemed quite good, but they could still ignore it perfectly, turning a blind eye.

Having a good relationship wasn't impossible, especially since their idol was sincere. The teammates probably didn't notice, being naive. There were plenty of twists and turns in their hearts, but they didn't notice them, not even realizing they were being manipulated.

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