Chapter 103

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Upon initially clicking in, the first follow that greeted their eyes was unsurprisingly the Weibo Assistant, which is automatically followed upon registration, along with a Weibo VIP member.

However, these weren't important. Fans directly skipped over these useless system accounts, holding their breath to see who Qin Lu's first follow among "real people" would be.

After seeing that ID, all of Lu's fans had a somewhat mixed feeling.

New fans might be a bit puzzled, as it was obviously an account of a fangirl, and not even a fan of Qin Lu—

"[Tuanzi Yaoyao is Lu Xi's authentic girlfriend]? Wow, she's even a girlfriend fan!"

But veteran fans of Lu understood immediately. Qin Lu's first follow was his own sister, Qin Yihan.

Even though since the first episode of "Infinite Youth," Lu's fans knew that his sister, Qin Yihan, was also a fangirl, upon seeing Qin Yihan's Weibo username, there was still a somewhat sour and complex feeling.

The emotionally complex Lu's fans: "Sis, are you sure you don't want to change your name? When will you change it?!"

Many fans who dreamed of being Qin Lu's real sister wanted to crawl through the internet to Qin Yihan and persuade her to change her name to "Tuanzi Yaoyao is Qin Lu's authentic sister"... so persuasive, absolutely convincing.

CP fans still held onto their expectations. After all, Qin Yihan was his own sister, and family members naturally should be the first to follow. No problem with that.

The next follow was the official account of Infinite9, and Lu's fans naturally followed suit.

After refreshing, they found that Qin Lu hadn't followed anyone new yet. Fans' hearts were in their throats, wondering if he was hesitating.

At the same time fans were anxiously refreshing their screens, Qin Lu opened WeChat to check for new messages.

[Lu Xi: Oh, by the way, do me a favor, follow me first, and then I'll follow back. After all, you're a senior. Otherwise, I feel like I've been loafing for these years without the prestige of a senior :-D]

Qin Lu looked at the Husky avatar holding roses, and for once, fell silent. A senior's...?

Perhaps people always liked to pursue things they didn't have, like the prestige of a senior that had never really existed.

Qin Lu thought, such is human nature, the philosophy of life.

He blinked slowly and replied: [Okay.]

Lu Xi quickly replied with an emoji: [Husky happily running.jpg]

Qin Lu: "..."

As long as he's happy.

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