Chapter Ten

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After opening many vacant rooms I eventually walk into Charlie's room and see her and Vaggie sitting on her bed.

Vaggie looks clearly troubled because Charlie is overpacking a lot of things to the point she has a closet-sized suitcase, a guitar case, two extra large suitcase luggage, and a small handbag.

"Ok, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in Heaven?" Charlie asks as I shake my head no. "Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours." Vaggie reminds her, causing Charlie to stand up and pace.

"Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared! It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed." Getting an idea Vaggie tries to get out of going with her.

As Vaggie speaks I have to stop myself from laughing at her poor excuse. "Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing." Charlie turns to look at her with a confused look. "What thing?" I grin teasing her more. "I'm curious too. What thing Vaggie?"

"The thing with the.. thing uhm.. fuck, ugh, I'm such a bad liar." Charlie takes Vaggie's hand as she sits back down looking at her. "Vaggie, you're my partner, I need you there with me." I shift my weight back and forth suddenly feeling awkward standing here during an intimate moment between the two of them.

Vaggie sighs as Charlie uses the same puppy eye tactic on her. "Fine." Charlie stands up happily as she hugs her then kisses Vaggie's cheek.

Charlie then turns towards me. "Are you all packed and ready to go?" I give her a small smile. Her personality definitely can definitely rub off onto others.

"I don't need anything since we'll only be there for a short time." Charlie whines. "You too? It's okay, I packed enough for all of us."

The three of us continue to pack up her many bags before we all head out to the lobby.

Charlie and Vaggie, and I make our way down the stairs as we all have Charlie's bags in our hands.

I readjust my grip on one of the bags when all of a sudden, the wall explodes, freaking Angel out of the couch.

"Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?! Why do people love destroying it?" He groans dramatically as a female reveals herself from the red smoke coming from the wall.

"What up hoes?" The female laughs as Angel immediately jumps off the couch with a grin.

"Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!" She grins as well as she walks further into the room to meet Angel.

"Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!" As Cherri talks I notice a bit too late that Charlie is making her way over to them.

I give Vaggie a look and she returns it while sighing. As we look back at the three Cherri turns to face Charlie and puts a bomb in her hand.

"Here, hold this." Charlie immediately freaks out and plays hot potato with the bomb. "Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!"

Charlie continues to toss the bomb back and forth in her hands until Vaggie walks up to her and takes it.

"Nope, gimme that." Vaggie throws the bomb out of the broken wall and it explodes somewhat safely. The hotel was saved but not the other nearby buildings.

"I love seein' ya Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass out. Angel tries to fall back down onto the couch, but Cherri catches and pulls him up.

Cherri groans as she pulls him back up. "You can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge! A reinvigoration, a re—"

Charlie cuts her off with a huge smile. "Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea! Hi!"

She then grabs Cherri's hand to shake. "Charlie! That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends! Agh! He never brings anyone around."

In response Cherri snorts. "Wonder why." I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing as Charlie stays oblivious.

"Yeah, me too." Charlie says clearly trying to think of a reason why. "Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun."

Feeling the weight of the bags I'm holding I place them down next to me then dust my hands off.

"W-w-wait, they?" Cherri asks nervously. Still clueless Charlie waves over to Husk and Niffty.

Husk doesn't seem to care much, but Niffty is shaking so fast that a shaking, rattling sound can be heard from her body.

"Yeah! Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!" Charlie exclaims excitedly.

Cherri tries to explain to Charlie why she came here. "Wait, I'm only here for Ange—" Charlie cuts her off again by handing her a large stack of money.

My eyes widened slightly at this exchange. I guess Charlie isn't as clueless as she makes herself out to be.

"Ooh! Never mind, Let's go!" Cherri quickly pockets the money by shoving it down her shirt.

"Make sure they have the best time tonight! Anyway, the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..." The portal opens before Charlie can finish and I take that as my que to pick up the bags I set down.

Charlie grabs Vaggie with both arms and throws her into the portal before doing the same to me.

"What the hell was that for?" I mutter as Vaggie looks very uncomfortable to be here.

A few seconds later Charlie appears next to us as we are in front of the golden gates.

"Vaggie, look at this place! It's so clean! Isn't that amazing?" Vaggie responds with sarcasm lacing her voice. "Yup, super cool. Heaven. Wow."

I just shake my head at their interaction being amused by it.

"Come on, let's walk up to the desk. We're on a bit of a schedule are we not?" I ask as I wonder where St. Peter currently is.

"Oh yes! Let's go!" Charlie responds as she drags Vaggie and I with her.

As we approach the deal St. Peter pops up from behind his desk answering my earlier thought.

"Well hello! Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name please?" He says as cheerfully as I remember when I first showed up in Heaven.

"Oh! Uhm, uh, Charlie Morningstar!" Peter opens the book of reservations that are supposed to be a list of names they've cataloging for those who are to enter heaven.

"Charlie Morningstar, hmm," He starts to mumble names from the list. "I'm not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd."

Charlie laughs awkwardly in response. "Uh, uhm, my dad got me this meeting, so maybe..."

"Oh, Dad! Okay!" His eyes light up as he's glad there wasn't a mistake as he waits for the name.

"Try Lucifer... Morningstar?" Charlie says slowly and quietly. His eyes immediately dull in shine after processing what she just said.

"Oh, fuck!" He then laughs nervously. "Yeah, hoooo, hehe. Yikes, are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost."

Vaggie is unamused, crossing her arms in disappointment. "Oh, here we go."

"No, uh... we're—" I place my hand on Charlie's shoulder causing her to stop talking and look at me.

"Hey Pete," I say leaning against his desk. "Long time so see yeah? Anyway we have a meeting scheduled so if you could just open those nice glowing gates we really appreciate it."

His eyes widened even more causing me to smile. Before he could utter a word I noticed something accenting down towards us. "Great." I mutter.

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