Chapter One

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It was a fluke. An utter fluke for me to end up here. After everything I did during my life I never would have expected to end up in heaven. I take a breath before looking up at all the angels that make up the angelic council. I flap my wings slightly before folding them in closer to my body, relaxing them.

"(Y/N), you are here today in front of the angelic council to discuss your placement in Heaven." Sera's voice booms in the open room as the rest of the council stays quiet. I simply nod, not having anything to say towards her statement. I'm not surprised they eventually found out I don't belong up here.

If my connection to my husband during my life wasn't enough for me to go to Hell after death some of my actions definitely would make a good enough reason for it. Sera cuts off my train of thought as she continues. "We shall re-evaluate your life before we vote on whether or not you have the right to stay in heaven. Before our vote you will have a chance to speak on any events that might sway our decision. Do you understand everything before we begin?"

I nod before speaking up. "I understand." She nods in acknowledgment before glancing around to make sure the council is ready to begin. She closes her eyes as her lips form a fine line. "Alright, well start from the beginning of your life and go from there." I nod once more, continuing to stand as Emily creates a projection of my life.

The first half of my life is boring and doesn't give the angelic council any reason why I shouldn't be in Heaven. It makes sense though, how often is a child ruthless enough to guarantee a spot in hell before they even hit double digits. They wont find any evidence until we get closer to my twenties. Getting tired of standing I summon a chair and I take a seat causing Sera to sigh quietly causing me to shrug.

The projection continues as I relive my early life. I look around as I get bored and it's clear the council, especially Adam, is bored to death as well. I perk up as I hear a familiar voice and see an even more familiar scene playing on the projection.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

I had been invited to a fancy party since my family is distantly related to a wealthy person. I had been sitting at the bar most of the time not knowing anyone here other than my mother who is being a bit too social for my taste right now.

Sighing I wave the bartender over and order a soda to have something to fiddle with. He quickly pours it into a glass and places it in front of me. I started to swirl my drink around in a bored manner when I spotted a tall, slender man.

We both had accidentally made eye contact with one another and he made his way over to introduce himself. "Hello, dear. I'm Alastor, and who might you be?" I let go of my drink and turned my body slightly towards him a bit more. "Why do you want to know?" I tease giving him a smile.

Alastor chuckled lightly. "I want to get to know someone as lovely as yourself of course, sweet thing." He said as he leaned closer to me.

"Well when you put it that way." I laugh slightly leaning my head against my hand. "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you, Alastor." I finished giving him a smile.

Alastor smiled wider, and his voice had a subtle seductive tone as he spoke. He was obviously trying to flirt with me a bit. "You have a lovely name, it suits someone as beautiful as yourself," he leaned in even closer and whispered the last part, his southern accent slightly more noticeable "darling."

I feel my face flush making me lean into my hand more to try and hide it. "What brought you to this party?" I ask curiously.

At my question, Alastor chuckled and shrugged. "Well, I was invited here by a dear friend of mine, I didn't know that anyone as beautiful as yourself would be here." He replied, making my face heat up even more.

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