Chapter Six

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Alastor's body grows larger and limbs become longer before exiting the front door with a sinister unmoving grin. "I will devour each and every one of you!"

As he exits the front door, Mimzy, Charlie, and Lucifer, and I come out to watch the bloodbath. Charlie was totally appalled that Alastor is truly terrifying and maliciously monstrous while Lucifer nodded once to make his point.

Lucifer starts to lecture Charlie next to me about the sinners while Alastor devours and kills the loan sharks outside. Body parts spread all over the front door, while Lucifer was oblivious to the mess.

"Mhm, you see? What did I tell you?" She looks at him sadly as he continues to lecture her.

"Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths who are hell bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying." Lucifer says, pointing towards the fight.

She replies back making Lucifer's face drop ever so slightly. "Dad! Stop! He's defending this hotel!"

I look over to Alastor once more to see him devouring a loan shark. "It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped, but he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me but my own father can't?"

Alastor finishes massacring the loan sharks as he shrinks back down to his usual self, clearly satisfied with the amount of demons he's taken care of.

"Oh, I missed getting to let off steam." Mimzy glances around next to me making sure the coast was clear before approaching him.

I follow behind her as she begins to talk. "Oh, Alastor! What a fantastic show! Bravo! As always. Thanks for helping lil' old me out of a tougher spot, you're always such a pal!" She pats him on the arm softly.

I notice a piece of debris making its way down towards us so I take a step back grabbing Mimzy's arm in the process.

She forms a surprised look on her face. "Oops. Heheh... sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the little maid can take care of it for you all." I let out a sigh and placed my palm on my head. Sometimes Mimzy says things she really shouldn't.

"I think you should go Mimzy, now." I glance up to look between Alastor and Mimzy. A smile forms on her lips and I can tell she thinks he's joking.

"Oh pff, Alastor, you're such a kidder you! Haha, you are so funny!" He leans some of his weight on his cane, not changing his expression at all. "I mean it. You deliberately brought danger to this place just to have me clean up your mess. I can't have that here."

"But you love taking care of me! You don't actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on, I know you." Alastor continues to just stare back at her.

She then glances at me. "Come on (Y/N) knock some sense into your man here." She says grabbing my arm as she tries to lighten up the mood.

I sigh again. "I'm sorry Mim but I think it might be smart for you to head out. At least just for now, let everything settle a little first." Her eyes widen ever so slightly and she lets go of me.

Mimzy turns towards him once again and pokes his chest with every word she says. "You heartless son of a bitch." Alastor casually moves her finger away. She turns back to me and opens her mouth but gets cut off before she can say anything to me.

"You are welcome if you actually want to give redemption a shot, but I think we both know that's not really your style, so you need to leave." She huffs and crosses her arms.

"Fine! Who needs you? Either of you? Have fun with your little princess and your little hotel! See if I care!" Insulted and offended, Mimzy turns around and flips us off before walking away.

I turn to look at Alastor. "Well, that could have gone better." I say as he looks back at me.

His grin grows even wider. "Do you think it could have? I think it went just fine."

I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh. There is a moment of silence after until I speak up quietly. "I missed you." A smile forms on my lips when I finish speaking.

His lips curl into a smirk. "Oh? You missed me, did you?" He leans against his cane. "Well, I was just dying of boredom without you."

Again roll my eyes. "Uh huh. I guess you didn't miss me." I look away and shrug playfully. I open one eye to glance at his reaction as I try to stop myself from smiling.

Alastor steps even closer to me, his grin growing even wider despite the fact that he's already grinning ear to ear.

The fact that I'm teasing him makes him happy, I can tell from the way he's acting. But just in case that isn't obvious enough, he says in a light, teasing voice, "Oh no, I definitely missed you."

In the corner of my eye I watch as Lucifer and Charlie walk back inside the hotel leaving just the two of us outside now.

"Well I'm glad you missed me as well." I poke him in the chest. "Also knock it off with your radio voice around me. I used to hear it enough already." I joke.

"Alright, alright." He leans down slightly to look you in the eye. "How's that for a change in tone, darling? Better?" He asks, his voice much smoother and quieter now.

I hum in response. "Much better." I stare into his eyes taking in all of his features. "Your radio voice isn't how I fell for you after all."

He chuckles at that. "No, it isn't. But I bet you were still flattered all those times I used it to flirt with you, right?" He asks teasingly.

"No comment." I reply by crossing my fingers in front of me to make an x.

"Hm-hmm..." He trails off, chuckling once again and rubbing his chin. "You're a difficult woman sometimes, you know that?"

"My job as your wife is to keep you guessing." He chuckles again at my comment.

"Oh, you do a great job at it, darling." His eyes roam around my body before coming back up to look into my eyes. The way he looks at me makes it very clear how much he still loves me.

I begin to hear commotion coming from the hotel as I look back and see Charlie hugging her father.

I then turn back towards Alastor. "Let's go check out what they're up to."

"Good idea." He nods and begins to walk towards the hotel, swinging his cane with every step and taking large strides.

As we walk into the lobby Lucifer is talking and a concerned look washes over his face.

"Okay, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be ok?"

A smile forms on her face and she nods. "I'll be fine." I see Vaggie nod slightly towards Lucifer reassuring him.

"That's my girl." He sighs slightly, becoming more relaxed, then continues. "Good luck kiddo."

He then turns to me and glances around. "I kind of forgot I was giving you a tour haha... I can finish that if you want?"

I give him a small smile. "It's alright I think I'll stay here for a bit." I turn to Charlie. "If that's alright of course." Her eyes start to sparkle and my smile drops ever so slightly.

"Yes yes yes! I'll get a room set up for you and everything." She beams. "We have a new guest." She whisper yells to Vaggie who just pats her on the arm in response.

As Charlie starts to ramble Lucifer takes that as an opportunity to turn into a violet-red mist before disappearing away from the lobby.

After her rambling ends Vaggie returns to the previous topic. "This next part is going to be scary. You ready?"

"I'm ready," she pauses to hug her girlfriend, "cause you'll be with me." Vaggie gives her a  reluctant look. I can tell she's hoping Charlie does not mean 'physically being in heaven'.

"In spirit, right?" Charlie just shakes her head with a smile. "No silly, in Heaven!" I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing as Vaggie responds with a worried look. "Yay..."

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